Wednesday, July 31, 2024

World Homeless

Here are the Numbers of Homeless Men, Women and Children Across the World (per day) – not including the US since I already wrote about that:

Afghanistan: 4,660,000

Argentina: 3,600,000

Australia: 122,494

Bangladesh: 5,000,000

Burkina Faso: 700,000

Canada: 235,000 (including 6,000 Children)

China: 2,579,000 (including 179,000 Children)

Colombia: 662,146

Costa Rica: 3,387

The Czech Republic: 23,830

The Dominican Republic: 296,591

Dem. Rep. of Congo: 1,500,000

Egypt: 2,000,000              

Ethiopia: 600,000

France: 330,000

49% of the French Homeless are in Paris.

An Average of 2,000 Homeless French die each year

Germany: 262,600 (including 22,000 Children)

Greece:40,000 (20,000 in Athens)

Guatemala: 475,000

Haiti: 310,000 (the number is much higher than this because of the Gang Violence in recent months)

Hungary: 6,944

Iceland: 349

India: 1,770,000 (including 400,000 Children)

Iran: 130,000

Iraq: 2,000,000

Ireland: 13,540

70% of the Irish Homeless live in Dublin

Israel: 3,471

Italy: 96,197

Japan: 3,824

Kazakhstan: 5,500           

Kenya: 20,095

Latvia: 5,644

Libya: 40,000

Mali: 40,000

Mexico: 14,000,000

Morocco: 380,000

Myanmar: 1,500,000

Nepal: 2,500,000

The Netherlands: 32,000

New Zealand: 102,123

Nigeria: 4,500,000

Pakistan: 8,000,000

The Philippines: 4,500,000 (including 250,000 Children)

Poland: 30,330

Russia: 3,000,000 (including 645,000 Children)

Somalia: 1,400,000

South Africa: 55,719

South Korea: 8,986

South Sudan: 32,000

Spain: 28,552

Sri Lanka: 800,000

Sudan: 3,000,000 (the number is much higher since their Civil War started in 2023)

Sweden: 33,269

Switzerland: 2,200

Syria: 5,300,000

Turkey: 1,500,000

Uganda: 4,016,980

Ukraine: 20,000 before Russia’s Invasion in 2022

Estimated to be 734,240 in both Ukrainian-Held Territory and Russian-Occupied Ukraine.

The United Kingdom: 385,809 (including 12,537 in Wales, 30,272 in Scotland; 24,000 in Northern Ireland and 309,000 in England)

Zimbabwe: 1,200,000    

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