Tuesday, July 30, 2024

US Homeless

1 in every 500 Americans (out of a Population of 330 Million Men, Women and Children) are Homeless.

That is up 12% since 2022.

By State:

171,521 Homeless are in California.

74,178 Homeless are in New York.

25,959 Homeless are in Florida.

25,211 Homeless are in Washington State.

24,432 Homeless are in Texas.

15,507 Homeless are in Massachusetts.

13,553 Homeless are in Arizona.

10,689 Homeless are in Georgia.

10,397 Homeless are in Colorado (90% of the Homeless in Colorado live in Denver.)

9,352 Homeless are in North Carolina.

5,967 Homeless are in Hawaii.

1,605 Homeless are in New Hampshire.


By Race:

41% of the Homeless are White.

37% of the Homeless are Black.

9% of the Homeless are Hispanic.



10% of the Homeless in the US have a Pet.

The Working Poor Homeless:

44% of the Homeless in the US work Full-Time.


US Veterans:

22 out of every 10,000 US Veterans or 35,574 US Veterans are Homeless.

10,395 Homeless US Veterans are in California.

2,279 Homeless US Veterans are in Florida.

2,200 Homeless US Veterans are in Texas.



28% of the Homeless in the US are Families with Children.

15,901 Homeless Families are in New York.

7,044 Homeless Families are in California.



1 out of every 50 Children (or 1.4 Million Boys and Girls) under 17 in the US are Homeless either with their Family or by Themselves.

34,703 Children 17 and under in the US are Homeless and by themselves.


The Disabled:

31% of the 46,227,000 (or 14,330,370) Disabled Men, Women and Children in the US are Homeless.


The Elderly:

1 in every 4 Homeless (or 138,098 Men and Women) in the US are 55 or Over.



Laws Banning Homelessness:

Many Municipalities in the US make it a crime to provide food or shelter to Homeless people with many more making it Illegal for Homeless People themselves to use blankets or soap.

At least 31 US Cities have made it Illegal to feeding the Homeless.

California and Florida ban being Homeless (Texas is close to passing a Homeless Ban.)

In June 2024, the US Supreme Court ruled that Cities may criminalize Homelessness.



37 Million Americans are 1 to 2 Paychecks away from becoming Homeless.


Note: These are only an estimate from the Department of Housing and Urban Development since we can’t fully know how many Homeless there actually are.

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