Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Hungary Supporting Russia

Since early July 2024 Hungary has issued “National Cards” (Hungarian: Nemzeti Kártya) that allow Russians and Belarussians to live and work inside Hungary with little to no vetting including no Security Checks.

These “National Cards” also allow the Russians and Belarussians to go to other Schengen Area Member Countries without an official Schengen Visa for up to 90 days for Tourism (whereas Ordinary Russians and Belarussians require a Schengen Visa for both Tourism and Business.)

Hungary’s President Orban is a major “Fan-Boy” of Russian President Putin and has long praised Putin and Russia while at the same time hindering the EU and NATO’s efforts to help Ukraine.

Orban is willing to give up both European Union and Hungarian Security and Safety to appease Putin and allow Non-Vetted Russians into Hungary as well as well as to 28 Other Countries inside Europe.

These Non-Vetted Russian Citizens can then easily manipulate the European Union from the inside including more Russian State Sponsored Spying, Hacking, Murder, etc.

Hungary under Oban is dangerous to both the European Union and NATO (which the United States is part of) and Orban’s Pro-Russia Actions need to be checked by the EU and by NATO – even if that means Suspending Hungary’s Participation in the EU, the Schengen Area and in NATO until it returns to a more Pro-EU and Pro-US stance.

Note: The Schengen Area consists of 29 Countries (24 European Union Member Countries – minus Ireland and Cyprus and with only Air Travel allowed for Bulgaria and Romania – and the 4 Non-EU Member Countries of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.)

According to the European Commission, 520,000 Russian Nationals applied for a Schengen Visa in 2023 with 10% of those being rejected on Security Concerns and International Sanctions against Russia due to its War in Ukraine.

8 Million Schengen Visas were issued in total for 2023.

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