Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Flip Side

Some People say that Parents should get more say than Non-Parents on ALL Issues since their Children are the future of the Country.

If that is the case than Non-Parents should NOT have to pay any School Taxes, any Child Welfare Taxes or anything that is solely for a Child (such as a Playground, a Public Pediatric Hospital, etc.)

Also, Public Places should be allowed to either forbid Children or have Children/Family-Only Areas in: Restaurants, Cafes, Airplanes, Trains, Buses, etc. so that Non-Parents don’t have to deal with the current crying, screaming and problems that the future of the Country make in public.

See, when you turn the tables it doesn’t sound so good.

I don’t actually believe in Separate, but Equal Public Places for Children/Families and those without Children. I’m just trying to show that there is a flip side when a Politician goes on an Anti-Parent Public Rant.

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