Thursday, August 1, 2024

80: Warsaw Pictures

Warsaw Uprising Pictures

(Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski, Commander of Polish Home Army.)

(Urban areas controlled by the Insurgents on August 4, 1944.)

(Home Army Soldiers from Kolegium "A" of Kedyw Formation on Stawki Street in the Wola District of Warsaw, September 1944.)

(Jewish Prisoners of Gęsiówka Concentration Camp liberated by Polish Home Army Soldiers from "Zośka" Battalion, August 5, 1944.)

(Sanitary Patrol Women's Military Service at 9 Moniuszki Street.)

(Warsaw's Old Town Market Place, August 1944.)

(Tadeusz Rajszczak "Maszynka" (left), Ryszard Michał Lach, and one other young soldier from "Miotła" Battalion, September 2. 1944)

(Polish-controlled areas of Warsaw after the fall of the Old Town,  September 10, 1944.)

(Warsaw Uprising Surrender October 5, 1944.)

(Warsaw Old Town; after the Warsaw Uprising, 85% of the city was deliberately destroyed by the German Forces.)

(Grave of an Insurgent, Warsaw.)

(Warsaw Uprising Museum in Warsaw, Poland.)

(Monument to the Uprising in Warsaw.)

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