Monday, August 26, 2024

Pen Pals

Pen Pals

 When I was in 5th Grade in Germany we had to write to a random Pen Pal (mine was in Lodz, Poland.)

When I was in 6th Grade in Germany we had to write to a random Pen Pal (mine was in Adelaide, Australia.)

When I was in 7th Grade in Germany we had to write to a Pen Pal picked for us in Texas (where the Teacher was from.)

When I was in 8th Grade in Germany we had to write to a random Pen Pal (mine was in Tallinn, Estonia.)

When I was in 10th Grade  we had to write to a Pen Pal picked for us in France (for my French Class.)

We had to write regular letters to them for the whole school year.

 I am still in contact with them all (by DM, Chat, Facetime, E-mail and Regular Mail) after all these years. When I take on something I finish it to the end.

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