Friday, August 30, 2024

3: Afghanistan

In the 3 years (August 30, 2021) since the US and the World abandoned Afghanistan and the Taliban took over here is what has and has not happened:

(The US flag is reflected on the windows of the US Embassy building in Kabul, Afghanistan, July 30, 2021 – exactly 1 month before the Taliban took over Afghanistan and the US Withdrew.)


The Taliban:

Have segregated Men and Women in Universities.

Have forbidden Girls to study past the 6th Grade.

Have kidnapped Girls and forced them to marry Taliban Fighters.

Have kidnapped Boys and forced them to become sex slaves to the Taliban Fighters (called Bacha bazi.)

Have forbidden Women to travel without their Male Guardian (their Husband, Father or Brother.

Have required Women to cover up completely with either a Burqa or an Abaya with a Niqab.

Have forbidden Men from not having beards.

Have forbidden Women to work outside the Health Care or Education Systems and only for other Women.

Have forbidden Women to join the Afghani Parliament or be part of any Government Ministry or Department.

Have hunted down, imprisoned, tortured and killed any Afghani Citizen who ever worked for the previous Afghan Government in the past 20 years.

Have hunted down, imprisoned, tortured and killed any Afghani Citizen who ever worked for the US, Canada, Russia, Spain, the UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Ukraine, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Singapore, Sweden, South Korea, Switzerland, etc. in the past 20 years.

Have hunted down, imprisoned, tortured, raped and killed any Homosexuals they find.

Have introduced Fines, Prison Time, or Termination from Government Employment against those that break their rules.

If a Woman breaks the rules then their Male Guardian will be punished.

Have allowed Al-Qaida Terrorists to live openly throughout Afghanistan including in the Capital of Kabul despite it being against the 2020 Doha Agreement (like Ayman al-Zawahiri who the US killed in a drone strike in Kabul on July 31, 2022.)


The United States:

Have abandoned 163,000 Afghan Citizens (135,000 Afghan Applicants to the Special Immigrant Visa Program and another 28,000 waiting on other Refugee Programs for Afghans) that worked for the United States in the past 20 years inside Afghanistan even when promising to get everyone out.

Have failed to bring the vast majority of the Afghan Refugees that were able to flee Afghanistan to the United States.

Instead they remain in Refugee Camps in Europe and the Middle East.

Have done little to help the Afghan Refugees inside the United States to get homes, jobs. Health Care and an Education.

Have continued to deny official International Recognition to the Taliban.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Women by the Taliban.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Homosexuals by the Taliban.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Afghans, by the Taliban, who used to work for the Previous Afghan Government.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Afghans, by the Taliban, who helped the US and other Western Countries.

Have allowed International Charities to receive money to continue working inside of Afghanistan.

Have done little to help the American Veterans that served in Afghanistan get the help they need and deserve for their PTSD, their Wounds and other Service-Related Issues.

Have not officially admitted their mistakes with the 2020 Doha Agreement (made by President Trump) or the chaotic and deadly 2021 Withdrawal (done by President Biden.)


Other Countries:

Have abandoned their Own Citizens inside Afghanistan even when promising to get everyone out.

Have abandoned Afghan Citizens that worked for them in the past 20 years inside Afghanistan even when promising to get everyone out.

Have failed the vast majority of the Afghan Refugees that were able to flee Afghanistan. Instead they remain in Refugee Camps in Europe and the Middle East.

Have done little to help the Afghan Refugees inside their Own Country to get homes, jobs, Health Care and an Education.

Have continued to deny official International Recognition to the Taliban.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Women by the Taliban.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Homosexuals by the Taliban.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Afghans, by the Taliban, who used to work for the Previous Afghan Government.

Have mildly protested against the torture and murder of Afghans, by the Taliban, who helped the Western Countries.

Have allowed International Charities to receive money to continue working inside of Afghanistan.

Have done little to help their Veterans that served in Afghanistan get the help they need and deserve for their PTSD, their Wounds and other Service-Related Issues.

Have not officially admitted their mistakes with the chaotic and deadly 2021 Withdrawal.

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