Thursday, August 29, 2024

Paralympics Vs Special Olympics


Did you know that Special Olympics International (SOI) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) are two separate Organizations recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC)?

Both are Non-Profit Global Sports Organizations focusing on Athletes with Disabilities. 

What Makes Them Different?

The Special Olympics were founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver (Sister of US President John F Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.)

5 Million Athletes with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from 172 Countries and Territories patriciate in both their Home Country Special Olympics (with 1,000 Local Competitions) as well as the Special Olympics World Games (the Summer and Winter World Games) in 30 Olympic Events.

The Special Olympics is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC.)

The Last Special Olympics World Summer Games was held in 2023 in Berlin, Germany.

The Last Special Olympics World Winter Games was held in 2017 in Graz and Schladming, Austria.

The Next Special Olympics World Summer Games will be held in 2027 in Santiago, Chile.

The Next Special Olympics World Winter Games will be held in 2025 in Turin, Italy.


The Paralympic Games were founded in 1948 by Doctor Ludwig Guttmann (a Jewish Holocaust Survivor who fled Nazi Germany for the United Kingdom before World War 2 started and who worked with Disabled British Soldiers and Veterans during and after the War.)

All Paralympic Games are governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC.)

Unlike, the Special Olympic Games the Paralympic Games are organized in parallel with and in a similar way to the Olympic Games.

4,000 Athletes from 169 Countries and Territories are taking part in the 2024 Paris Paralympics.

From 1948-1992 no Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities were allowed to participate in the Paralympics.

The allowable Disabilities are divided into 10 eligible impairment types: Impaired Muscle Power, Impaired Passive Range of Movement, Limb Deficiency, Leg Length Difference, Short Stature, Hypertonia, Ataxia, Athetosis, Vision Impairment and Intellectual impairment.

These Categories are further divided into various Subcategories.

The Last Winter Paralympic Games was held in 2022 in Beijing, China.

The Current Summer Paralympic Games is being held in 2024 in Paris, France.

The Next Winter Paralympic Games will be held in 2026 in Milan, Italy.

The Next Summer Paralympic Games will be held in 2028 in Los Angeles, USA.

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