Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2 Weeks: UMCO

2 weeks (14 days ago) Ukraine brought Russia’s War back home to Russia when it invaded and occupied parts of Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts.

(Ukrainian Soldier giving water to Russian Civilians in Ukrainian-Occupied Russia in August 2024.)

Ukraine created the Ukrainian Military Commandant’s Office (Українська військова комендатура) to administer to these occupied Russian areas.


In these past 2 weeks Ukraine has:

Forced 150,000 Russian Civilians to flee Russia.

Captured at least 2,000 Russian Soldiers inside Russia.

Taken control of 100 Russian Towns.

Destroyed 2 bridges inside Russia thus hampering Russia’s efforts to send reinforcements.

Opened a Hotline (in Russian) so Russian Civillains that want to flee Putin’s Brutal Regime can move to Ukraine and Freedom.

Opened a Hotline (in Russian) so Russian Soldiers (inside Ukraine and inside Russia) can call to surrender and live.

Opened a Hotline (in Russian) for Russian Families to call to see if their Soldier (Husbands and Sons) are a POW or Dead.


In these past 2 weeks Russia has:

Shown that Putin is not the great Military Leader he claimed to be.

Shown that Putin can not keep Ordinary Russians safe even inside Russia.

Shown that Russian Troops (especially the Conscripts and the Mobilized Old Men forced to fight) are ready to surrender to Ukraine rather than kill for Putin.

Has used Chechen Soldiers loyal to Ramzan Kadyrov to shoot to kill any Russian Soldier withdrawing from the advancing Ukrainian Soldiers (similar to what they did during World War 2.)


As of today 647,000 Russians Soldiers have either been Wounded or Killed by Ukrainians both inside Ukraine and inside Russia.

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