Friday, August 23, 2024

Ukraine Flags

Today is Ukrainian Flag Day!

The Blue symbolizes the sky, and Yellow represents the golden fields of wheat.


Missing are the Flags of the Different Occupiers of Ukraine:

The Trapezuntine Empire: 1204–1461

The Golden Horde: 1242–1502

The Republic of Genoa: 1266–1475

The Ottoman Empire: 1478–1499  and then 1517–1774

Poland and Lithuania: 1349-1795

The Czarist Russian Empire: 1654–1917

The Austro-Hungarian Empire: 1772 -1918

Czechoslovakia: 1918 – 1938

The Kingdom of Romania: 1919-1945

Nazi Germany: 1939-1944

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: 1919-1941 and then 1941-1991

The Russian Federation: 2014 to Present


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