Saturday, August 24, 2024

Koda's Mission: The Front

Koda’s Mission is run by Yannick from Hamburg, Germany who went to Ukraine in 2022 after the Russians invaded Ukraine.

He went to Bucha after it was liberated from Russian Occupation and saw the Innocent Men, Women, Children murdered by the Russians in the Bucha Massacre.

While in Bucha he met a dog, Koda, and the two of them help Dogs, Cats, Goats, etc. across Ukraine.

Several months ago they left the relative safety of their previous Shelter near Lviv and moved to Central Ukraine to be able to help even more Animals (from abuse, neglect, Russian Bombs, Russian Bullets, etc.)

They are planning to go back to the Front Lines to help more Animals (some with Owners some without.)

Please Share and/or Donate to help them:

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