Thursday, June 20, 2024

Travel List

Travel List  - best and worst places (and everything in between) you have been to.

- Best US State: New York

- Worst US State: Virginia

- Best Canadian Province: Ontario

- Worst Canadian Province: Prince Edward Island

- Friendliest people: Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Un-friendliest people: Kuwait

- Most exotic place: several hours north of the Arctic Circle, Alaska

- Least exotic place: New Jersey

- Place with least amount of English speakers: Russia

- Place with most amount of English speakers: Iceland

- Best exchange rate: Costa Rica

- Worst exchange rate: the UK

- Best airport: Amsterdam

- Worst airport: London-Heathrow

- Most expensive place: Moscow, Russia

- Least expensive place: Montenegro

- Best island: Malta

- Worst island: Aruba

- Longest layover: Dubai

- Shortest layover: JFK

- Best train ride: Germany

- Worst train ride: Russia

- Best museum city: Washington DC

- Worst museum city: Limassol, Cyprus

- Best airline: KLM

- Worst airline: Ukraine International or Aeroflot (tied)

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