Friday, June 21, 2024


Since it is so hot out I thought I would write about cooler things.

I have always loved swimming. I took lessons when I was a little kid and have always been at the top of the class.

I have swam in many different rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and pools. I’ve been in: Newfound Lake (New Hampshire), the Hudson River (New York), Lake Champlain (New York; Vermont and Quebec, Canada), the Gulf Of Saint Lawrence (Prince Edward Island, Canada), the Gulf of Maine (Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada; Maine; Massachusetts and New Hampshire), Lake Starnberg (Germany), the Atlantic Ocean (Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, France), the Mississippi River (Tennessee), the Gulf of Mexico (Florida and Texas), the Pacific Ocean (Costa Rica), the Caribbean Sea (the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Florida and Aruba), the Volga River (Russia), the Gulf Of Alaska (Alaska), Lake George (New York), the Finger Lakes (New York), Lake Placid (New York), the Seine River (France), the Rhine River (Germany and Switzerland), the Danube River (Germany and Austria), the Persian Gulf (Kuwait),  the Mediterranean Sea (Cyprus, Malta and Israel), the Irish Sea (Ireland),  Lake Geneva (Switzerland), the Blue Lagoon (Iceland) and the Dead Sea (Israel.)

In Boy Scouts we had to swim with a Buddy at Scout Camp (using our Circular Red, White and Blue Tickets – showing our swimming level and when we were in the lake.)

I also did the Polar Bear Plunge jumping into freezing water in January.

I’ve stayed in an Indoor Water Park Hotel and Resort, I’ve gone skinny tipping.

I’ve had my own swimming pools.

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