Saturday, June 29, 2024


Riddle Me This:

How can we have the “Separation of Church and State” when State Governments are allowed to force Religion in Public Schools?

Note: I consider myself very Religious, but I also firmly believe in “The Separation of Church and State.” No one Religion (even if it is my Religion) should be forced on anyone in a Public School or in a Local, State or Federal Government Building.

How can a Public Place be allowed to forbid the Public in them?

Note: I am all for having safe places like parks and playgrounds, but there also needs to be areas where the Homeless are allowed. Not every Homeless Person is a Criminal. Many are College Educated, Veterans, Seniors or Families that Work and can’t afford to buy or rent a house or apartment or go to a hotel. There are not enough Local, State or Federal Shelters across the Country.

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