Monday, June 17, 2024

Kyiv Pride


Yesterday (June 16, 2024) Kyiv, Ukraine held its 1st Pride Event since the Russian Invasion in 2022.

500 People attended (it was made to be small so Russia didn’t try and bomb the event and kill more People.)

Ukraine is working hard to turn to the civilized Western World and is slowly giving Homosexuals the same Equal Rights as everyone else while Russia is moving in the opposite direction every day.

Note: Homosexuality has been legal in Ukraine since 1991 (when the Soviet Union collapsed) and they can openly serve in the Ukrainian Military.

Homosexuality was legal in Russia in 1993 until 2013 and illegal ever since Gay Men are sent to Forced Labor Penal Colonies for up to 15 years.

Homosexuality is illegal in Russian-Occupied Territories of Ukraine. Gay Men are sent to Forced Labor Penal Colonies for up to 15 years.

Ukraine believes a Gay Soldier is just as Patriotic and just as able to Defend Ukraine as a Straight Soldier is.

Russia believes that only Convicted Criminals and those 18-25 and those over 60 make good Cannon Fodder (since 527,390 Russians have been killed or wounded in Ukraine since 2022.)

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