Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Not Independence Day


Not Independence Day

Today (June 12th) is Russia Day in Russia (despite 84% of Russians thinking tomorrow is Russian Independence Day it is not - they don't have an Independence Day.)

Tomorrow is just when the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic declared that Russian Laws made in Moscow would supersede Soviet Laws also made in Moscow in 1990.

Since Russia is officially considered the Successor State to the Soviet Union (and it never declared its Independence like 14 of the 15 Soviet Republics did) the 1990 Declaration became null and void on December 26, 1991 when the USSR collapsed.

So, on Russia Day let's honor the Ukrainian Men, Women and Children that are fighting hard (and dying) to regain their Independence.

Let's also honor the Anti-Putin and Anti-Z Russians that are fighting hard (and dying) to end Putin's 24 Year Dictatorship, end his War Crimes and are trying to bring Russia back into the Civilized World.

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