Sunday, June 30, 2024

Happy Birthday!

 Happy Birthday In Different Languages

Afrikaans        Gelukkige Verjaarsdag

Albanian (Gheg)         Gzuar Dit-lindjën

Armenian (Eastern)   Ծնունդդ շնորհավոր (Tsnundet shnorhavor)

Armenian (Western)  շնորհաւոր ծննդեան տարեդարձ (shuhnorhavor dzuhnuhntyan daretarts)

Azerbaijani     Ad günün mübarək

Belarusian      З днём нараджэння (Z dniom naradžeńnia)

Bosnian           Sretan rođendan

Bulgarian        Честит рожден ден (Čestit rožden den)

Catalan           Per molts anys

Chinese (Mandarin)   生日快樂 [生日快] (shēngrì kuàilè)

Croatian         Sretan rođendan

Czech  Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám!

Danish Tillykke med fødselsdagen

Dutch  Gelukkige verjaardag

Estonian         Palju õnne sünnipäevaks

Finnish Hyvää syntymäpäivää

French Joyeux anniversaire

German           Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

Greek (Modern)         Χρόνια Πολλά! (Hrónia Pollá)

Hebrew           יום הולדת שמח (Yom huledet sameakh)

Hungarian      Boldog születésnapot

Icelandic         Til hamingju með afmælið

Irish (Gaelic)   Breithlá sona duit

Italian Buon compleanno

Japanese         お誕生日おめでとうございます (otanjōbi omedetō gozaimasu)

Latin    Felix dies natalis

Latvian            Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā!

Lithuanian      Su gimtadieniu

Maltese           Heppi berdej

Norwegian     Gratulerer med dagen

Polish  Sto lat!

Portuguese     Feliz aniversário!

Romanian       La mulți ani

Russian           С днём рождения! (S dnëm rozhdeniya!)

Serbian           Срећан рођендан (Srećan rođendan)

Slovak Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám

Slovenian       Vse najboljše

Spanish           ¡Feliz cumpleaños!

Swedish          Grattis på födelsedagen

Ukrainian        З днем народження (Z dnem narodžennia)

Esperanto       Feliĉan datrevenon

My Birthday


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pets Are Family


Herman Goldstein

Herman Goldstein

Herman Goldstein was born in Iași, Romania on April 23, 1923.

Herman was Jewish. His Parents were Ester and Iancu.

From 1940-1944, Romania allied itself with Nazi Germany. It was a very Antisemitic Country- many believed that Communism was to be blamed on the Jews.

Romania operated similarly to Nazi Germany. Romania even had its own Concentration Camps. Hitler himself was surprised at times by the brutality of the Romanian Government.

It was no shock in when Romania aided the Nazi invasion of the USSR in June of 1941. Around the time of the Invasion, the Romanian Leader ordered that all Jews between the ages of 18 and 60 in Herman’s Region were to be deported to the Romanian Concentration Camp of Târgu Jiu.

Herman, who had recently turned 18, was included in that order. However, he did not go. He stayed in his home.

On June 24th, the city of Iași was bombed by the Soviets. The damage was not severe, but it sent the Residents into a mass hysteria.

Two days later, another bomb strike occurred which killed 600 People (including 38 Jews). The surviving Residents blamed the Jews for the bombings and a violent Pogrom broke out.

From June 29th to July 6th, 13,266 Jews were killed by Romanian Police and a mob of “Civilians”.

Women and Children were raped, People were tortured, beaten, shot, and lynched. Just because they were Jewish. Non-Jews who tried to save Jews (including the Clergy of the town) were shot.

Herman was one of those 13,266 that were murdered.

In 1946, 57 People were tried for the Massacre. One was executed and the rest received heavy prison sentences.

Firework Safety


Russian Travel

From the US State Department:

Do not travel to Russia due to the consequences of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces. U.S. citizens may face harassment or detention by Russian security officials, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, limited flights into and out of Russia, and the possibility of terrorism. The U.S. Embassy has limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in Russia. The Department has determined that there is a continued risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals by Russian authorities. U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Russia should leave immediately.

The U.S. government has limited ability to help U.S. citizens in Russia, especially outside of Moscow. The U.S. Embassy is operating with reduced staffing, and the Russian government has restricted travel for embassy personnel. Furthermore, all U.S. consulates in Russia have suspended operations, including consular services.

There have been reports of drone attacks and explosions near the border with Ukraine as well as in Moscow, Kazan, and St. Petersburg. In an emergency, you should follow instructions from local authorities and seek shelter.

Russia may refuse to recognize your U.S. citizenship if you are a dual U.S.-Russian citizen or have a claim to Russian citizenship. Russia has denied consular officers visits to detained dual U.S.-Russian citizens. The Russian government has forced citizens with dual nationality to join the Russian military and prevented them from leaving the country. In 2022, the Russian government mobilized citizens for its invasion of Ukraine. Military conscription continues.

In Russia, the rights to peaceful assembly and free speech are not always protected. U.S. citizens should avoid protests and taking photos of security staff at these events. Russian authorities have arrested U.S. citizens who joined protests. Moreover, there are many reports of Russians being detained for social media posts.

U.S. citizens should know that U.S. credit and debit cards no longer work in Russia. Due to sanctions, sending electronic money transfers from the U.S. to Russia is nearly impossible.

Commercial flight options are minimal and are often unavailable on short notice. If you wish to depart Russia, you should make independent arrangements. The U.S. Embassy has limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in leaving the country, and transportation options may suddenly become even more restricted.

U.S. Embassy staff generally are not allowed to fly on Russian airlines due to safety concerns. Recently, the FAA downgraded Russia's air safety rating from Category 1 to Category 2. Additionally, the FAA banned U.S. flights in some Russian areas, including the Moscow Flight Information Region (FIR), the Samara FIR (UWWW), and the Rostov-na-Donu (URRV) FIR within 160NM of the boundaries of the Dnipro (UKDV) Flight Information Regions. Check the FAA's Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices for more information.


Country Summary:  Russian officials have interrogated and threatened U.S. citizens without cause. This includes former and current U.S. government and military personnel and private U.S. citizens engaged in business. U.S. citizens may become victims of harassment, mistreatment, and extortion.


Russian authorities may not notify the U.S. Embassy about the detention of a U.S. citizen and may delay U.S. consular assistance. Russian security services also target foreign and international organizations they consider "undesirable."

Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on false charges, denied them fair treatment, and convicted them without credible evidence. Furthermore, Russian authorities have opened questionable investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to Russia.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has destabilized security in southwestern Russia. In October 2022, the Russian government declared martial law in the following border areas with Ukraine: Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov, and Krasnodar. Under martial law, authorities can set curfews, seize property, and restrict movement. The Russian government may detain foreigners, forcibly relocate residents, and limit public gatherings. U.S. citizens should avoid all travel to these areas.

Russian authorities have questioned, detained, and arrested people for "acting against Russia's interests." Local authorities have targeted people for posting on social media or supporting "anti-Russian" groups and punished individuals for criticizing the government or military. The Russian government's current "LGBT propaganda" law bans discussion of LGBTQI+ related topics. In November 2023, the Supreme Court labeled the so-called "international LGBT movement" as extremist. This decision effectively made it a crime to support the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons in Russia.

Terrorists continue to plan attacks in Russia. The March 2024 Crocus City Hall incident proved they can strike suddenly. Terrorists may target tourist areas, transport hubs, and markets. They may also target government buildings, hotels, clubs, restaurants, and places of worship. Parks, events, schools, and airports are also potential targets.  U.S. government employees under Embassy (Chief of Mission) security responsibility are not permitted to travel to the North Caucasus, including Chechnya and Mt. Elbrus. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to those areas.

The international community does not recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea and does not acknowledge Russia's purported annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya. Russia staged its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in part, from occupied Crimea and there is a heavy Russian military presence in these areas. There is intense fighting across these regions and Russian authorities there have abused both foreigners and locals. Authorities have specifically targeted individuals who are seen as challenging Russia's authority.

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv administers consular services to U.S. citizens in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya. However, the conflict limits the Embassy's ability to help U.S. citizens in these areas.

If you decide to travel to Russia:

Read the information on what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in an emergency overseas.

Consider the risks involved in having dual U.S.- Russian nationality.

Have a contingency plan in place that does not rely on U.S. government help. Review the Traveler's Checklist.

Follow news for any important events and update your plans based on the new information.

Ensure travel documents are valid and easily accessible.

Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). This will allow you to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.

Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.

Review the Country Security Report for Russia.

Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.


^ No one should willingly travel to Russia anymore. Those that do or are already there can expect to be detained by Putin’s Nazi Zs and sent either to fight inside Ukraine or to do Forced Labor at a Penal Colony. ^




Riddle Me This:

How can we have the “Separation of Church and State” when State Governments are allowed to force Religion in Public Schools?

Note: I consider myself very Religious, but I also firmly believe in “The Separation of Church and State.” No one Religion (even if it is my Religion) should be forced on anyone in a Public School or in a Local, State or Federal Government Building.

How can a Public Place be allowed to forbid the Public in them?

Note: I am all for having safe places like parks and playgrounds, but there also needs to be areas where the Homeless are allowed. Not every Homeless Person is a Criminal. Many are College Educated, Veterans, Seniors or Families that Work and can’t afford to buy or rent a house or apartment or go to a hotel. There are not enough Local, State or Federal Shelters across the Country.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Best Thing


Martin Mull


I remember seeing Martin Mull in “Clue” and “Roseanne” and many other Movies and shows.




From BBC Live:

The US Supreme Court has ruled that cities can ban homeless people from sleeping rough.

It is the court's most significant decision on homelessness since at least the 1980s, when many experts say the modern US homeless crisis began.

The ruling lets local governments enforce rules against people sleeping in public places without worrying about the US constitution's limits on cruel and unusual punishment.

The case started in the small town of Grants Pass, Oregon where three homeless people sued the city after receiving citations for sleeping and camping outside.

At a Supreme Court hearing in April, the city argued that criminal penalties were necessary to enforce local laws banning homeless people from public spaces for "reasons of cleanliness and safety".

The Homeless Residents said those penalties violated the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution because the city did not have any public shelters.

The Conservative-led Court appeared skeptical that it should make determinations about local laws, with some justices more inclined to leave those decisions to elected officials.

Homelessness is on the rise in the US, fueled in part by chronic shortages of affordable housing.

Around 653,000 people did not have homes in 2023, the largest number since tracking began in 2007.

There were also an estimated 256,000 people living without shelter on a given night across the country last year, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

^ It is sad to see that this places more burden on the Homeless themselves rather than on the Local, State and Federal Governments to help. ^

Ukraine's English

From Yahoo:

“Zelenskyy signs law on use of English in Ukraine”

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law officially establishing English as a language of international communication in Ukraine.

The law also includes a list of positions requiring fluency in English. Proficiency in English will be mandatory for:

heads of local state administrations;

military officers;


tax officials;

customs officers;

heads and teaching staff at institutes of higher education and scientific institutions;

heads of healthcare institutions.

The draft law also regulates specific features relating to the use of English by state and local government bodies, emergency services, when crossing the state border, and in education, culture, transport, healthcare and other areas.

Civil servants who speak English will enjoy a 10% bonus on top of their salary.

In addition, public funding will be provided for cinemas to screen English-language films. This means the government will financially support cinemas that show films in the original language.

Background: Initially, in early versions of the law, it was planned that starting from 2025, half of English-language films would be shown in the original language with Ukrainian subtitles. From 2027 onwards this would have applied to all English-language films screened in Ukrainian cinemas. This caused outrage and 25,000 people signed a petition against it, so the parliament decided to remove this paragraph from the law.

^ While Ukrainian is the Official Language of Ukraine English is now an important Language as it has been the International Language of half the World from 1945-1991 and the whole World since 1991. ^

No Direct Links

Countries and Territories With No Direct Airlinks to the United States:






Burkina Faso

Cape Verde








Saint Helena (UK)



Central African Republic


Congo, Republic.

Equatorial Guinea













Mayotte (France)


Reunion (France)



South Sudan





Sint Eustatius (The Netherlands)

Saba (The Netherlands)

Montserrat (UK)


Greenland (Denmark)

Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France)


Falkland Islands (UK)

French Guiana


Venezuela (due to Safety Concerns since 2019)





North Korea (US has no Diplomatic Ties)


Macau (China)


Bhutan (US has no Diplomatic Ties)




Sri Lanka



East Timor








Iran (US has no Diplomatic Ties)





Yemen (Due to Civil War)

Northern Ireland (UK)

Wales (UK)

Gibraltar (UK)

Guernsey (UK)

Isle of Man (UK)

Jersey (UK)


The Czech Republic





Turkish Occupied Northern Cyprus






Belarus (Die to Political Sanctions)

Bosnia and Herzegovina







North Macedonia

Russia (US Airspace was closed to Russia since 2022)


Ukraine (All Ukrainian Airports closed since 2022)


Faroe Islands (Denmark)



Christmas Island (Australia)

Cocos Islands (Australia)

Easter Island (Chile)


Norfolk Island (Australia)


Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands




Wallis and Futuna (France)


98: Mel Brooks

Mel Brooks

 Melvin James Brooks (né Kaminsky) was born on June 28, 1926 in New York City.

His Father died when Brooks was 2 years old.

At 14 Brooks worked as an Entertainer at a Borscht Belt Hotel in Upstate New York.

He changed his name to Mel Brooks (taken Brooks from his Mother’s Maiden Name: Brookman) after being confused with Trumpeter Max Kaminsky.

He graduated High School in January 1944.

Brooks took the Army General Classification Test, a Stanford–Binet-type IQ test where he got high scores and was sent to the Army Specialized Training Program at the Virginia Military Institute to be taught Electrical Engineering, Horse Riding, and Saber Fighting.

12 weeks later, when he was 18, Brooks was Drafted into the Army.

Brooks was sent to France in November 1944, and later to Belgium, serving with the 78th Infantry Division as a Forward Artillery Observer.

In December 1944 Brooks was transferred to the 1104th Engineer Combat Battalion as a Combat Engineer, participating in the Battle of the Bulge.

After the Battle of the Bulge Brooks was stationed in Saarbrucken and Baumholder (Germany) where the Battalion was responsible for clearing booby-trapped buildings and defusing land mines as the Allies advanced.

In April 1945, Brooks' Unit conducted its last Reconnaissance Missions in the Harz Mountains, Germany.

After V-E Day, Brooks joined the Special Services as a Comic touring Army Bases.

In June 1946, Brooks was Honorably Discharged from the Army as a Corporal.

He returned to the Borsht Belt as an Entertainer until he became a Comic and a Writer for Sid Caesar's Variety Show “Your Show of Shows” from 1950 to 1954.

This started his 8 Decade (and counting) Career in Film (including: “The Producers - 1968”, “Blazing Saddles”, “Young Frankenstein”, “History of the World: Part 1”, “To Be or Not To Be”, “Spaceballs”, The Producers – 2005”, “Robin Hood: Men In Tights”, etc.) and in TV (including: “Get Smart”, “History of the World: Part 2”, etc.)

He was married to Florence Baum from 1953 until their Divorce in 1962) and then to Anne Bancroft from 1964 until her Death in 2005. He has 4 Children.

He is 98 years old today – June 28th.

Good Buoys


Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties and Celebrations:

 The earliest birthday parties were held because people believed evil spirits were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays. At first it was only kings who were recognized as important enough to have a birthday celebration. To protect them from harm, friends and family would to come be with the birthday person and bring good thoughts and wishes. Giving gifts brought even more good cheer to ward off the evil spirits. As time went by, children became included in birthday celebrations. The tradition of children's birthday parties first started in Germany, Kinderfeste. The largest private birthday party to ever happen was in 1970 for Colonel Harlan Sanders' 89th birthday. The event was attended by over 35,000 people.

Birthday Cakes:    One theory about the origin of the birthday cake is that it originated with the Greeks, who baked round cakes representing the full moon for their moon goddess, Artemis. They placed candles on the cake to make it glow, like the moon. The Germans are also credited with the first cakes and candles. They used a sweet, layered cake and they put a large candle in the center of the cake to represent "the light of life." Some people believe the smoke from extinguished candles carries their birthday wishes up to heaven.

Birthday Cards:   The tradition of sending birthday cards started in England about 100 years ago. Originally cards were often sent as an "apology" when a person couldn't visit somebody in person.

Birthday Song:   The Happy Birthday song is more than one hundred years old. It was written in 1893 by two sisters, Patty and Mildred Hill, who were schoolteachers in Louisville, Kentucky. The tune was originally a morning greeting to their students entitled "Good Morning To All." The lyrics were copyrighted in 1935, 11 years before Patty's death, and the ownership has swapped hands in multi-million dollar deals ever since. The current copyright is owned by Warner Communications. They purchased it in 1989 for more than $22 million dollars. Happy Birthday is recognized around the world and has been translated into dozens of languages. It is one of the three most popular songs in the English language.

Dog's Birthday


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate Facts

From Yahoo:

“Presidential debate live updates and fact checks as Biden, Trump face off in historic matchup”

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are battling it out tonight in their first presidential debate of the 2024 election. The CNN Presidential Debate is underway, and is scheduled to run until around 10:30 p.m. ET. Yahoo News is livestreaming the event right on this page, and we’ll also feature coverage and analysis in real-time from our editorial team throughout the night. Hosted by CNN at the cable network’s studios in Atlanta, this telecast will be slightly different from debates past: there will be no studio audience, the candidates’ microphones will be muted when their opponent is speaking, no prewritten notes are allowed and neither candidate will present opening statements. Trump will get the final word during closing statements, as determined recently by a coin flip. Tonight marks the first time in U.S. history a sitting president and former president will face off on the debate stage — and it’s the first time Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, will duke it out in person since 2020.

Joe Biden has a cold, but tested negative for COVID: Reports Biden, whose voice has sounded hoarse throughout the debate, has a cold — but has tested negative for COVID, multiple news outlets have reported. According to NBC News, two sources familiar with the situation said, “President Biden has a cold.” Three other sources confirmed the president also administered a COVID test, for which he tested negative. Biden has spent days preparing for the debate at Camp David.

Fact check: Biden falsely claims that Trump wants to 'get rid of' Social Security Biden: "He wants to get rid of Social Security. He thinks that there's plenty to cut in Social Security." This claim is false: Trump has said that there may be some room to reduce spending on Social Security and proposed a budget that included some cuts to the program, but has not stated any intention to eliminate Social Security. This claim is false: Trump has said that there may be some room to reduce spending on Social Security and proposed a budget that included some cuts to the program, but has not stated any intention to eliminate Social Security.

Fact check: Trump says there was 'no terror at all' during his presidency Trump: "You had no terror at all during my administration. This place — the whole world is blowing up under him." This is false: This is not the first time Trump has claimed the U.S. had no terrorist attacks during his presidency. In 2017, Trump's Justice Department alleged that a mass murder in New York City, which killed eight people, was a terrorist attack in support of ISIS. In 2018, the Justice Department claimed there was evidence of a "domestic terrorist attack" when a Trump supporter mailed homemade explosive devices to Democratic officials and CNN offices. In 2019, Trump's Justice Department claimed an attack that killed three U.S. service members and injured others at a military base in Florida was motivated by an "associate" of al-Qaida. Also in 2019, a gunman, who was targeting Latinos, killed 23 people in a mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.

Fact check: Trump and Biden blame each other for inflation Trump: "He caused this inflation. I gave him a country with essentially no inflation. ... He destroyed it." Biden: "Inflation ... he caused it with his tremendous malfeasance in the way he handled the pandemic." These claims needs context: Inflation is primarily the result of macroeconomic trends that presidents have little power to influence. Economists blame two recent factors, the coronavirus pandemic and Russia's war in Ukraine, for recent spikes in prices.

Fact check: Trump presidency had 'best environmental numbers ever' Trump: "I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air, and we had it. We had H2O," Trump said, apparently meaning CO2, a greenhouse gas scientists say is helping to warm the planet. "We had the best numbers ever and we did — we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever." This claim needs context: While greenhouse gas emissions fell during Trump's term in office, they fell even more during Barack Obama's presidency. Experts also note that the modest decline when Trump was president was aided by the decline in economic activity caused by the coronavirus pandemic, not because of any specific actions taken by the Trump administration.

Biden to Trump: 'You have the morals of an alley cat' At one point during the debate, both Biden and Trump amplified their verbal attacks against one another — with Biden attacking Trump's character and criminal record. "The idea that you have the right to seek retribution against any American just because you're president is wrong. Simply wrong," he said. "No president in our history has spoken like that before." He later touched on Trump's hush money trial, which centered on accusations of falsifying business records about an alleged affair he had with adult film star Stormy Daniels. "You had sex with a porn star. You have the morals of an alley cat," Biden said. During an exchange about Jan. 6, Trump argued that his supporters who were charged with federal crimes related to the Capitol insurrection were unfairly targeted, and that Black Lives Matter protesters and other activists in cities such as Portland, Ore., and Seattle are the real "felons." Biden used the opportunity to point out Trump's historic conviction in the New York hush-money case. "The only person on this stage that is a convicted felon is the man I'm looking at right now," the president said while glancing in Trump's direction.

Fact check: Trump claims he offered Pelosi 10,000 soldiers on Jan. 6 Moderator: What do you stay to the voters who believe you violated your oath of office on Jan. 6 and worry you may do so again? Trump pointed to recently released documentary footage of then-House Speaker Nancy Speaker on Jan. 6 saying leaders like herself bore responsibility for not having prepared more for the riot. Trump then repeated a claim he's made multiple times before: "Nancy Pelosi, I offered her 10,000 soldiers or National Guard, and she turned them down." This claim is false: As CNN reported, Pelosi "would not even have had the power to turn down such an offer if she had received one — which she has said she never did."

Fact check: Biden falsely claims the Border Patrol has endorsed him Biden: "By the way the Border Patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position." This claim is false: The Border Patrol Union has not endorsed Biden and said in a post on X during the debate, "To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden."

 Fact check: Trump criticizes Afghanistan withdrawal without mentioning his administration's role in the U.S. exit Trump: "[Biden] was so bad with Afghanistan. It was such a horrible embarrassment. The most embarrassing moment in the history of our country." This claim needs context: Biden’s administration executed the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, but it did so under terms of an agreement the Trump administration reached with the Taliban during the last year of Trump’s presidency.

During an exchange about border security, Biden pointed out that the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents the U.S. Border Patrol, endorsed a bipartisan bill he backed that included additional staffing for it and other agencies. "The Border Patrol endorsed me — endorsed my position," Biden said. Trump quickly countered, saying the Border Patrol union endorsed him. "They endorsed me for president," Trump told Biden before adding a derisive nickname: "Brandon, just speak to them."

How would Trump and Biden handle the war in Gaza if reelected Biden has been asked what additional leverage he would use to get Israel and Hamas to end their war. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long been one of the world's thorniest problems — a bloody, intractable dispute over land and statehood that has riven the region and vexed American presidents ever since the Jewish state was established in 1948. But Hamas's brutal Oct. 7, 2023, attacks — and Israel's brutal response in Gaza — have taken things to a whole new level.

Fact check: Trump falsely claims Biden is allowing millions of people to come into the U.S. from 'prisons, jails' Trump: "I'd love to ask [Biden], and will, why he allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country." This claim is false: There is no data to support the idea that foreign leaders are emptying their jails and sending former prisoners to the U.S.

Fact check: Trump falsely claims that Democrats support "after birth" abortions Trump: "They're radical because they will take the life of a child in the 8th month, the 9th month, even after birth." This claim is false: Killing a person after birth is illegal in every U.S. state.

Fact check: Trump says 'everyone' wanted Roe v. Wade overturned Trump: "What I did was, I put three great Supreme Court justices on the court and they happened to vote in favor of killing Roe v. Wade and moving it back to the states. This is something that everybody wanted." This claim is false: Many wanted Roe preserved, and opinion polls have shown that a large majority of the U.S. did not want Roe overturned.

Fact check: Trump overstates strength of the U.S. economy during his presidency Trump: "We had the greatest economy in the history of our country." This claim is false: While the economy was quite strong for the majority of Trump's term, it was not as strong as in the late 1920s or the post-World War II era, according to gross domestic product and unemployment figures. The economy then collapsed during the final year of his presidency because of the coronavirus pandemic.

^ I don’t want either of them to win – especially after tonight. ^


I'm watching the Debate.

One guy is speaking a bunch of non-truths and the other guy is having trouble making coherent answers.

Can we reset and get 2 new Candidates?

78: Canadian Citizenship

 The Canadian Citizenship Act

78 years ago today (June 27, 1946) The Canadian Citizenship Act (French: Loi sur la citoyenneté Canadienne) was passed. It created Canadian Citizenship for the first time ever.

Brief Canadian Citizenship History:

From 1633-1763: Those living in the Colony of New France (Quebec) were “French Citizens.” They later automatically became “British Subjects.”

From 1583-1867: Those living in the Colony of British North America (Canada) were “British Subjects”, but not British Citizens.

From 1867- 1914: The British North American Act made those living in Canada “British Subjects with a Connection to the Dominion of Canada.”)

From 1876-2013: The 1876 Indian Act made Indians living in Canada “Wards of the State” subjected to the Federal Government and not the Provinces or Territories. The Federal Government had direct say over what they could and could not do.

It also created a separate “Status Indians” (those who lived on Reservations and are on the Indian Register) and “Non-Status Indians” (those not living on Reservations, not on the Indian Register and neither considered Indians nor Canadians.) Non-Status Indians was done away with in 2013.

From 1914-1946: Those living in Canada became “British Subjects and Canadian Nationals.” The order is important to note.

From 1946-1982: Those living in Canada became “Canadian Citizens and British Subjects.”

In 1953: a separate Canadian Monarchy was created with Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth 1 in Canada) becoming the first Canadian Monarch and the First (and so far only) Canadian Queen.

King Charles III is the Current Canadian Monarch and the First (and so far only) Canadian King.

It also created the Canadian Royal Family.

From 1946-1967: Any Canadian Citizen living outside of Canada for 10 years or longer or who acquired Citizenship of another country automatically lost their Canadian Citizenship.

From 1960-1982: Status Indians could also become “Canadian Citizens and British Subjects” if they applied for. It.

From 1976- Present Day: Dual Citizenship is officially allowed in Canada.

From 1982-Present Day:  When Canada became a completely independent country due to Patriation those living in Canada (including Indigenous Peoples) are now “Canadian Citizens and Commonwealth Citizens.”


From 2009- Present Day: Re-instated Canadian Citizenship to those that had automatically lost it between 1946-1976 if they apply for it. Limited Citizenship to the Second Generation born outside of Canada.

In 2014: Gave Canadian Citizenship to “The Lost Canadians” (Those that should have received Canadian Citizenship since 1946, but were denied it by the Canadian Government despite their undeniable ties to Canada.)

Note: I am a dual Canadian and American Citizen as well as a Commonwealth Citizen (through my Canadian Citizenship.)

I am considered a Natural Born Canadian (not Naturalized) and a Natural-Born American (not Naturalized.)

This picture is a stamp that the Royal Mail Canada (today Canada Post) created in 1946 to honor (honour in Canada) the new Canadian Citizenship Law.




Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Help:

Suicide and Crisis Nationwide Hotline: 988  (24/7/365)

Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis: 988 (24/7/365)

Options For Deaf + Hard of Hearing: For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988 (24/7/365)

Veterans Crisis Hotline: 988 Then Press 1  (24/7/365)

Veterans Crisis Text: 838255 (24/7/365)

National Website:

All of these Numbers are Free and Confidential.

There are also many more Local, State and National PTSD Programs and Support.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Bill Cobbs

Bill Cobbs passed away today (June 26, 2024.)

Despite being an Actor on many Films like “A Night At The Museum” and “Oz: The Great and Powerful” and many Shows like “JAG” he also served in the US Air Force for 8 years.

He was 90 years old.

Honor Passing


Extreme Military


“Soldiers Now Face Punishment for Sharing, Liking Extremist Content on Social Media Under New Army Policy”

Soldiers can be more easily held accountable for liking and sharing what is considered extremist content on social media under a new policy revision unveiled by the Army on Wednesday. The new set of rules also allows disciplinary action -- including being kicked out of the service -- for knowingly displaying flags and symbols or wearing clothing associated with radical causes even when off duty.

It is the Army's most significant move yet to curb such activity in the ranks and to more clearly define what extremism is and what conduct from soldiers won't be tolerated. The update is also the latest in a military-wide effort to combat extremist activity that began after veterans and some service members were among the throngs of protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol in January 2021 and tried to disrupt the certification of presidential election results to keep Donald Trump in the White House. "Active participation in extremist activities can be prohibited even in some circumstances in which such activities would be constitutionally protected in a civilian setting," according to the congressionally mandated memos to the force signed by Army Secretary Christine Wormuth.

Previously, the Army's guidance forbade soldiers from participating in extremist activities, but never clearly defined what extremism is and what activities are prohibited -- leaving interpretations up to commanders. But the new set of rules more clearly outline that extremism is broad and includes advocating for widespread unlawful discrimination based on "race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation."

It also more clearly outlines that supporting the overthrow of the government, in any way, is strictly prohibited -- a rule that has not been otherwise clearly defined in current Army policy. Soldiers can face punitive action, including being booted from the service, losing their security clearance or other adverse actions on their record. "[This effort] contains key updates in its explanation of active participation in those activities to add clarity for soldiers and commanders, and it enhances reporting and training requirements which will be very helpful in educating the force and fostering a shared understanding on this topic," Col. Jon Clausen, who oversaw the policy's development, said in a statement to

The Army’s inspector general is also expected to submit quarterly reports to the Army secretary on allegations, active investigations and other data relevant to extremism concerns in the ranks. A investigation found numerous incidents of extremist activity among service members and veterans in recent years, and experts say the threat is only growing. While troops and veterans are no more or less likely to be radicalized compared to their civilian counterparts, they are more likely to be targeted by extremist groups, particularly among neo-Nazi and anti-government movements. Service members and veterans, experts warn, are seen as force multipliers for those groups -- both for their training background and for bringing legitimacy to those causes.

Pfc. Abram Markofski, an infantryman in the Wisconsin National Guard, pleaded guilty to charges related to his involvement in the Jan. 6 pro-Trump assault on the Capitol, but continued his service in the Guard long after he was sentenced to probation in December 2021. Another Guardsman, Cpl. Jacob Fracker, took selfies of himself in the Capitol during the assault and admitted to his participation in social media posts. He pleaded guilty to charges related to partaking in the mob in March 2022 and was sentenced to one year of probation and a fine despite prosecutors seeking prison time. Guard officials at the time cited unclear regulations on handling the matter, given Markofski's and Fracker's crimes didn't involve violence. Gen. Jon Jensen, the top officer for the Army National Guard, told in February 2022 that extremist behavior had no place in the Guard, but stopped short of saying Guardsmen involved in Jan. 6 should be immediately kicked out of the service component. Both Fracker and Markofski were kicked out of the Guard in April that year. But the Pentagon has been slow to adapt.

Part of the problem is extremist groups continually evolving, rebranding themselves and adopting new symbols and slogans at a pace sometimes too swift for experts to keep up with. The Pentagon has also been hesitant to talk about the issue more bluntly even as far-right groups are seen by law enforcement as a top domestic terror threat, partly because targeting those groups has been conflated by some conservatives on Capitol Hill as targeting Republicans. The military had a so-called extremism stand-down following the attack on the Capitol after it became clear the participants were partly made up of service members and veterans. But the Pentagon's tepid response and its tiptoeing around conservative criticism meant defining and dealing with extremism in the ranks was largely left to commanders who received virtually no guidance.

In some cases during the stand-down, soldiers reported that briefings conflated political protests such as Black Lives Matter with anti-government movements such as the Oath Keepers, a group whose leaders were convicted of seditious conspiracy for their role in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

^ Any American who supports or takes part in Extremist Actions should be held accountable for their actions. That is even more so for Americans serving in the US Military.

Hopefully, these new rules will help weed out Extremism in the Us Military. ^

Tea Or Coffee


When I lived in Russia twice I was hounded several times a day from nearly everyone I knew to constantly drink Tea and eat gross hard cookies.

I have been to the United Kingdom countless times and was never pushed to have Tea as I was in Russia.

Pardon Process

Today (June 26, 2024) President Biden announced the Process in which Homosexuals Discharged from the US Military for being Gay can apply for a Pardon.

The affected Individuals can apply for proof of eligibility and if they receive a Certificate of Pardon they can apply to have their Military Discharge changed.

2,000 People may be eligible for a Pardon.

Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice criminalized Sodomy from 1951-2013.

Congress repealed the portion of the Code that outlawed Consensual Sodomy in 2013.

This was separate from the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy started under President Clinton in 1994 and repealed by President Obama in 2011.  

13,650 Homosexuals were Discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

100,000 Homosexuals were punished and Discharged from the US Military from 1940 until 2013.

There are 79,000 openly Homosexuals currently serving in the US Military.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

80% Antisemitism

From Reuters:

“Antisemitism rose more than 80% in Germany last year, watchdog says”

Antisemitic incidents in Germany, from graffiti to attempted arson, rose around 83% last year, watchdog RIAS said on Tuesday, surging after the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip. Around half the 4,782 recorded antisemitic incidents were linked with anti-Israel activism, with many involving a relativisation or denial of the Nazi Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed, RIAS said.

While antisemitism has been on the rise worldwide, it is a particularly sensitive subject in Germany, where Jewish institutions are under heavy police protection. Critics including prominent Jewish-German intellectuals say this has led to German authorities and media failing to differentiate sufficiently between antisemitism and criticism of Israel and as a result curbing freedom of speech. In the week after the Hamas-led attack, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reiterated the idea of Israel's security as a "reason of state" or matter of national interest for Germany.

In its antisemitism report, RIAS cited incidents such as the destruction of Israeli flags hung in solidarity with Israel after Oct. 7. In another incident, "Free Palestine from Zionists" was scrawled on a toilet door and the words "Save Israel" and Star of David scratched off.

Felix Klein, the government official charged with coordinating the fight against antisemitism, has said antisemitism was already on the rise before Oct. 7, in part driven by the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD). The AfD has said Germany, which has a Jewish population of about 225,000, should move on from atoning for its past crimes, with members accused - and in some cases convicted - of using Nazi language. Klein said many incidents since then could be traced back to Germany's growing Muslim community, and urged Muslim associations to speak up more against this. Anti-Muslim incidents registered in Germany also rose last year, the CLAIM network of NGOs monitoring Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred said on Monday.

Israel says around 1,200 people were killed and more than 250 hostages seized in the Oct. 7 attack. The Israeli offensive launched in retaliation in Gaza has killed more than 37,600 people, Palestinian health authorities say.

^ Sadly this statistic is not surprising. Anti-Jewish Violence has grown to record number across the US and the whole World. ^

Assange Freed

From Reuters:

“WikiLeaks founder Assange freed by U.S. court after guilty plea”

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was freed by a court on the U.S. Pacific island territory of Saipan on Wednesday after pleading guilty to violating U.S. espionage law, in a deal that will see him return home to Australia. During the three hour hearing, Assange pled guilty to one criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. national defence documents but said he had believed the Constitution's First Amendment, which protects free speech, shielded his activities. "Working as a journalist I encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified in order to publish that information," he told the court. "I believed the First Amendment protected that activity but I accept that it was ... a violation of the espionage statute."

Chief U.S. District Judge Ramona V. Manglona accepted his guilty plea and released him due to time already served in a British jail. Assange, 52, is set to leave Saipan shortly after noon local time (0200 GMT) on a private jet accompanied by Australia’s ambassadors to the U.S. and UK, according to flight logs. They will then travel to Canberra, landing just before 7 p.m. (0900 GMT). Assange had agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal count, according to filings in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands. The U.S. territory in the western Pacific was chosen due to his opposition to travelling to the mainland U.S. and for its proximity to Australia, prosecutors said. Dozens of media from around the world attended the hearing, with more gathered outside the courtroom to cover the proceedings. Media were not allowed inside the courtroom to film the hearing. "I watch this and think how overloaded his senses must be, walking through the press scrum after years of sensory depravation and the four walls of his high security Belmarsh prison cell," Stella Assange, the wife of WikiLeaks founder said on social media platform X.

LONG SAGA Australian-born Assange spent more than five years in a British high-security jail and seven holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London as he fought accusations of sex crimes in Sweden and battled extradition to the U.S., where he faced 18 criminal charges. Assange's supporters view him as a victim because he exposed U.S. wrongdoing and potential crimes, including in conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington has said the release of the secret documents put lives in danger. The Australian government has been advocating for his release and has raised the issue with the United States several times. "This isn't something that has happened in the last 24 hours," Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told a news conference on Wednesday. "This is something that has been considered, patient, worked through in a calibrated way, which is how Australia conducts ourselves."

^ Not only is Assange getting away with this crime in the US, but he is got off his rape charges in Sweden (only because he was hiding out in the Embassy of Ecuador in London and the Statue of Limitations for Rape expired in Sweden.)

I guess the moral to all of this is: you can commit Acts of Treason against the US and can get away with it as well as commit Rape and get away with it as long as you hide long enough.

For some reason many Australians and Others around the World look up to Assange as a Hero, but he is a Criminal before Wikileaks (convicted as a Hacker in 1996) and will continue to be a Criminal.

I really wish Assange had fled to Russia like Edward Snowdon did because then he would be living a much worse life than he did hiding out in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. ^

6 Months Til Christmas


Scapegoat Trap


Remember that some Politicians, Self-Proclaimed Religious People and Others tend to use Scapegoats (like Women, Gays, Interracial Couples. etc.) to draw focus away from the real issues and problems.

Don't fall for their trap.

Left Or Right



Blue = Left Hand Traffic (LHT)

Red = Right Hand Traffic (RHT)



Afghanistan: Switched to RHT in 1955.

Angola: Switched to RHT in 1928.

Argentina: Switched to RHT in 1945.

Austria: Switched to RHT in 1938 (after Annexation by Nazi Germany.)

Bahrain: Switched to RHT in 1967 (to conform to Neighboring Countries.)

Belgium: Switched to RHT in 1899.

Belize: Switched to RHT in 1962 (to conform to Neighboring Countries.)

Bosnia and Hercegovina: Switched to RHT in 1918 (after collapse of Austro-Hungary.)

Brazil: Switched to RHT in 1928.

Cameroon: Switched to RHT in 1961.

Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon) Always used RHT.

Canada (British Colombia): Switched to RHT in 1920.

Canada (New Brunswick): Switched to RHT in 1922.

Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador): Switched to RHT in 1947.

Canada (Nova Scotia): Switched to RHT in 1923.

Canada (Prince Edward Island): Switched to RHT in 1924.

Cape Verde: Switched to RHT in 1928.

Chile: Switched to RHT in 1920.

China: Switched to RHT in 1946.

Croatia: Switched to RHT in 1928.

Czech Republic: Switched to RHT in 1939 as Czechoslovakia during Nazi German Occupation.

East Timor: Switched to RHT in 1928 (under Portuguese Rule) and switched to LHT in 1976 (under Indonesian Occupation.)

Eritrea: Switched to RHT in 1964 (under Ethiopian Rule.)

Ethiopia: Switched to RHT in 1964.

Finland: Switched to RHT in 1858 (during Russian Occupation.)

France: Switched to RHT in 1792.

Gambia: Switched to RHT in 1965 (to Conform to Neighboring Country.)

Ghana: Switched to RHT in 1974.

Greece: Switched to RHT in 1928.

Guinea-Bissau: Switched to RHT in 1928 (under Portuguese Rule.)

Hungary: Switched to RHT in 1941.

Iceland: Switched to RHT in 1968.

Italy: Switched to RHT in 1926.

Japan (Okinawa): Used RHT from 1945-1978 under American Rule and Switched to LHT in 1978.

Myanmar: Switched to RHT in 1970.

Namibia: Switched to LHT in 1920 (under South African Rule.)

Nauru: Switched to LHT in 1918 (under Australian Rule.)

The Netherlands: Switched to RHT in 1906.

Nigeria: Switched to RHT in 1972 (to conform with Neighboring Countries.)

North Korea: Switched to RHT in 1945 (after Japanese Occupation.)

Panama: Switched to RHT in 1943.

Paraguay: Switched to RHT in 1946.

The Philippines: Switched to RHT in 1946 (after American Rule.) 

Portugal: Switched to RHT in 1928.

Romania: Switched to RHT in 1919.

Samoa: Switched to LHT in 2009 (for cheaper cars from Australia, New Zealand and Japan.)

Sao Tome and Principe: Switched to RHT in 1928 (under Portuguese Rule.)

Sierra Leone: Switched to RHT in 1961 (to conform with neighboring Countries.)

Slovakia: Switched to RHT in 1939 as Czechoslovakia during Nazi German Occupation.

Slovenia: Switched to RHT in 1926.

South Korea: Switched to RHT in 1946 after Japanese Occupation.

South Sudan: Switched to RHT in 1973 (under Sudanese Rule.)

Spain: Switched to RHT in 1924.

Sudan: Switched to RHT in 1973.

Suriname: Switched to LHT in 1920 under Dutch Rule.

Sweden: Switched to RHT in 1967 (to conform with Neighboring Countries.)

Taiwan: Switched to RHT in 1946 after Japanese Occupation.

United Arab Emirates: Switched to RHT in 1966.

The United Kingdom (Gibraltar): Switched to RHT in 1929 (to conform with Neighboring Countries.)

The United States (US Virgin Islands): Using LHT since it was a Danish Colony until 1917.

Uruguay: Switched to LHT in 1918 and switched back to RHT in 1945.

Yemen: Switched to RHT in 1977.