Monday, August 5, 2024

Ukraine's F-16s

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine has received the first F-16s from its Western Allies after years of struggling to get them.

Russia is getting its weapons from their Allies (China, North Korea, Syria and Iran) and so it is only right that Ukraine is getting its weapons for their Allies (the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Poland, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Lativia, Lithuania, Estonia, France, etc.)

Since February 24, 2022 Russia has carried out 44,776 Air Raids on Ukraine (not including its Invasion and Occupation of parts of Ukraine) and the F-16s will help protect Ukrainian Skies with Ukrainian Fighter Pilots helping to save Ukrainian Men, Women and Children.

Note: For those that don’t think the US (and others) should be giving Military Aid to Ukraine and should focus on America and on Americans:

Every Dollar the US gives to Ukraine is given to American Factories across the United States where American Workers make the weapons which are then given to Ukraine (so it is both helping Ukraine defend itself against the Russian War Criminals and is helping the Ordinary American Worker in dozens of States.)

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