Friday, August 16, 2024

Trump's Medals Comments

On Thursday, Donald Trump described the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which honors Civilians, as being “much better” than the Medal of Honor, because Service Members who receive the Nation’s highest Military Honor are often Severely Wounded or Dead.

Trump’s remarks follow a yearslong series of comments in which he has appeared to mock, attack or express disdain for Service Members.

Note: Trump did everything to avoid serving in the US Military during the Vietnam War.

First he received 4 Student Draft Deferments.

 Then, in 1966 he was deemed fit for Military Service based on a Medical Exam and in July 1968 his Local Draft Board classified him as Eligible to Serve.

In October 1968 he was Reclassified (most likely after some behind the scenes wheeling and dealing from his Father) as 1-Y (a Conditional Medical Deferment.)

In 1972, he was Reclassified again as 4-F (Unfit for Military Service.)

Then the Draft ended in 1973.

It makes sense that with all his hard work to not join the US Military over an 8 year period that he continues to not like US Soldiers or US Veterans – which he has shown time and again through his words and his actions.

 He also said that Senator John McCain (who was a Prisoner of War in North Vietnam for 5 1/2 years):  ""He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured."

That sums up Trump to a t.

He doesn't support the US Military, US Soldiers, US Veterans or anyone who serves something other than themselves.

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