Friday, August 2, 2024

234: Census

234: Census

 234 years ago today (August 2, 1790) the First US Census was carried out 7 years after becoming a Country.

In 1790 the United States had 3,929,214 People (with Virginia having the most People and Delaware having the least People.)

The Census Questions included counting how many Free White Men over 16, how many Free White Women and the Number of Slaves in each House.)

A Government Census Taker went door-to-door to count each Family.

The most Current US Census was done in 2020 with the US having a Population of 331,449,281 (California having the most People and Wyoming have the least People.)

The 2020 Census could be done online, over the phone or by mail.

The Census Questions included whether the home was owned or rented, the sex and age of each person in the home, the Race of each person.

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