Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Road Blocking

While driving down to the mailbox just now there was a Town truck blocking the very narrow road. Not only was the truck large and taking over the whole road, but it also had equipment sticking out on both sides (blowing leaves I think - not grading the road as it needs.) There are ditches (made worse by the Town each year) on either side of the road so I could only sit and wait for the truck to move. A few minutes later (after getting my mail) I had to do the same thing all over again. While I understand the Town has to work on the roads and most – especially the dirt, mountain ones by me – are narrow the Town could at least give some warning  on their Facebook page or the Town’s Website to give us a heads-up. Several years ago I once suggested that to the Town Road Agent and he told me it would require hiring a new person (not sure why a 2 minute posting on a website requires someone full-time, but that’s how they think up here.)  I guess that “logic” follows the Town Police (who are only part-time) who once told me they couldn’t do anything about an incident unless the person did it several times to establish a pattern and yet when I asked to make the first report – so that there would be a written record for any future cases they did not want to (even when I tried to explain you can’t prove a 2nd, 3rd, etc. time if you haven’t established a 1st time.)  Hopefully, the town won't be doing anything tomorrow when I have to take my dog to the vet.

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