Thursday, August 18, 2022

War Paws' Help

From War Paws’ Facebook:

Our lovely boy Salty who is one of the Ukranian dogs currently in the shelter in Romania has hurt his leg and has had to take a trip to see the vet today.  Salty has started on treatment and we hope to see his leg healing within a few days or he will need to go back and have xrays as well.  Poor Salty has not had a good time of things at all, shortly after arriving in Romania he was diagnosed as heartworm positive (which is being treated) and now this! Salty is an awesome dog, he doesn't cope so well with men right now but he absolutely loves women and is very adept at charming all the ladies he meets!   Donations to our Ukraine fund have really slowed down a lot but sadly the vet bills have not slowed down, can you help us so we can help them by donating to the Ukraine Fund today?

^ War Paws not only helps animals in Ukraine, but also those in other warzones. Besides the one above here are the other Fundraisers they are running to help:


The lovely, cute Luna arrived with us in June and is currently staying in the lovely boarding facility we use for the dogs who have owners.  Her dad desperately wants to bring her home and has already paid a chunk of her ticket home but we need your help to get her to full target.  Luna has the most beautiful eyes and she is a typical happy puppy full of love and waggy tail and she really does deserve to come home and be reunited with her dad and new doggy siblings, can you help? Her dad tells her story below have been working in Iraq since 2015 and always had a site companion any looked after them. My current site has a few dogs and we have had numerous litters over the last 2 years and they always get removed from site after becoming a nuisance to some of the residents on site with barking through the night and mess. I have taken a particular shine to Luna as she turned up and sat at my office. She has the most beautiful eyes. As soon as I saw her I took her in and have been feeding and training her. My family all love her and I am desperate to get her home to the UK to be with my family


This is Hawkeye, she arrived at the shelter in Iraq a few months ago, a pitiful sight, skin and bone.  She quickly learned that life could be good after all,  with lots of love, attention and food and now she has a golden opportunity to come and live in Scotland with one of our amazing War Paws supporters. Her new mom has written about why she wants to bring Hawkeye (soon to be known as Breagha) home to Scotland “Breagha (pronounced Bree-aah – Scottish Gaelic for beautiful) At our 5 acre Highland Croft in Scotland we have lost three of our beloved dog pack to old age in recent weeks. We believe the greatest tribute you can pay to a much loved departed soul, is to give their space to one that really needs it and Hawkeye deserves a life of freedom, love and care after a rotten start in life with her chain embedded in her neck as a mere puppy. Thanks to War Paws her fortune can completely change now. To help her “come home” we need your help. Once she is here she will have the best life – friends, good food, companionship and everything a beautiful girl could ask for, but first we need to secure her travel.Will you help our wee beauty travel to Scotland?   We will be extremely grateful, and so will Breagha


Lokie was born on a gas facility in Basrah about 18 months ago.  She never really fitted in with the rest of the pack dogs and as a result was attacked many times.  Thankfully for Lokie a kind contractor on the facility took her in and offered her safe shelter and the time has now come for him to take her home. Lokie arrived with us in Erbil early June, she had been spayed by a local vet in Basrah and was suffering from an infection at the incision site but we were able to get that sorted out quickly and she is now settled into the boarding facility where she will be looked after until she is ready to be reunited with her dad.Lokie’s dad has already covered approx half of her costs and we are now hoping that you can help us to spread the word and raise the remainder.  We only need to raise £2500 and just as soon as she has  passed the FAVN blood testing and completed the 3 month waiting time we can get her on a freedom flight home. Please share Lokie’s fundraiser, lets help this lovely girl to come home and see that there is a wonderful life ahead of her after such a rough start.


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