From the DW:
“Coronavirus antibody tests and
immunity certificates pose ethical and scientific problems”
In some parts of the US and
Europe, immunity certificates based on COVID-19 antibody tests have been touted
as a way to end lockdowns and get people back to work. But experts warn
governments may be acting too soon. Countries around the world are clamoring
for an exit strategy as economies lag and unemployment skyrockets amid their
COVID-19 lockdowns. Indeed, Austria has already begun to relax some
restrictions, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to announce on
Wednesday that some shops and schools may reopen under strict conditions. Even
in hard-hit Spain and Italy, where infection and death rates are only slowly
declining, governments are planning how quickly they can relieve their millions
of citizens bearing the financial and psychological burdens of over a month of
social distancing. One mechanism for a return to
normality that has been floated in Italy, Germany, and the US, is to issue
so-called "immunity certificates" to individuals who have recovered
from the novel coronavirus, using antibody tests that have only been in
development in Italy and China for a matter of weeks. This would allow
"healthy" people to return to work and move about freely. The idea
has been particularly popular in Italy, where it has already been put into use
in some areas in the north. The village of Vo', in the Veneto region, has
served as inspiration for some; testing of every single townsperson kept the
pandemic completely under control. The president of the devastated region, Luca
Zaia, is a major proponent of a certificate scheme, as is the leader of another
virus epicenter: New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo.
'A sign of an insecure society': However, these plans are both
scientifically and ethically controversial, and experts have warned that
immunity certificates could be a sign of leaders ready to jump the gun on
ending lockdowns. Dr. Martin Schnell, a professor of social philosophy and ethics
in healthcare at Germany's University of Witten/Herdecke, cautioned that such
proposals were "a sign of an insecure society." Schnell said that the
impulse behind the idea was understandable: "Imagine you are sitting in
traffic, you will feel very differently if you know that it will end in 20
minutes versus when you know nothing ... we want to know what we are doing
something for, and when it will end. Right now we don't know either." He
was further skeptical of the feasibility of using immunity certificates in
smaller towns, where everyone knows one another. The risk of creating
resentment by essentially splitting society into two groups, where one is
allowed to go about their normal lives and the other is not, would be extremely
"detrimental to the community solidarity," that is holding society
together at the moment. "On the other hand, you can't make unequal things
equal," and immunity certificates could, in theory, be a "just"
way of moving forward. But Schnell highlighted one large caveat: The plan "can
only be considered ethical if you keep all the other social distancing measures
in place, such as standing 1.5 meters apart or wearing masks, to protect both
the healthy and the vulnerable." This could be extremely difficult to do
in certain scenarios, such as in public transport many people use to get to
Reopening too quickly?: Schnell called into question the wisdom of
plans of countries like Austria and Germany to reopen so quickly. While there
is a need to know when the traffic jam will end, it would be more responsible
to provide a normative plan based on certain milestones, he explained. One
example is waiting until the R0 infection rate drops below 1, meaning each
individual infects fewer than one other individual. Such a plan contrasts with
the calls for a calendar date based on a rash desire to restart distressed
economies. If governments roll back restrictions, added Schnell, only to have
to re-implement them again in a few weeks or a month due to a second outbreak,
this could risk "a crisis of democracy." "Political leaders need
to offer a plausible scenario for a loosening of restrictions," rather
than a timely one, "or risk losing all their credibility," Schnell
said. Indeed, China has just recorded its biggest increase in new infections in
six weeks. Despite having initially quelled the first major wave of the
pandemic, citizens returning from abroad have brought cases back with them. This
points to the potentially premature nature of many proposals on how to reopen
society, including antibody tests and immunity certificates.
Antibodies: Too many unknowns: Additionally, although successful antibody
tests have been developed in Italy, Germany, and China, the consensus in the
scientific community is that as of yet, there are still many unknowns as to how
the body recovers from a COVID-19 infection. There have been reports in China,
Japan, and Italy of patients who had overcome the virus and then become
re-infected. Furthermore, studies in China and Italy have shown that different
patients exhibit different levels of antibodies to fight the virus, with some
having none at all, and that many people may take far longer to recuperate than
the conventional two weeks. Experts have also told trade publication The
Scientist that there are major problems with a great deal of the heaps of
COVID-19 related studies now pouring into medical journals for pre-publication,
and only so many virologists are available to conduct peer reviews. With so
much demand to make breakthroughs, papers are being reported as medical fact
when they have not even been peer reviewed or selected for publication yet. Among
the many things scientists are not yet sure of is how long immunity lasts and
whether some recovered individuals have a high enough level of antibodies to
fight this coronavirus a second time, making antibody tests and immunity certificates
implausible as exit strategies.
^ Again this is something I have
said before. It’s nice to see others starting to think about it as well. ^
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