Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Moscow Bombed


Moscow was bombed today (September 10, 2024.)

It is believed to have been attacked by either Ukraine or Russian Anti-Nazis.

Moscow is a legitimate military target since it is the Capital of Russia and where Putin and his Nazi Zs are planning and carrying out their Ukrainian War Crimes from.

It is the same way that Berlin was a legitimate military target from 1939-1945 since it was the Capital of Germany and where Hitler and his Nazis planned and carried out their War Crimes from.

I have been to Moscow many times (at least 3 dozen) and have Friends that still live there so I don’t take attacking Moscow lightly, but it is the right thing to do to bring Putin’s War to the Ordinary Russian (since apparently, over a Month and counting of having parts of Russia occupied by Ukraine and forcing 130,000 Russians to flee hasn’t shown the Russian People that Putin is lying about the War.)

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