Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Every Weapon

Ukraine should be allowed to use every weapon it is given to defend itself and to defeat Russia whether it is on Ukrainian-Held Ukrainian Territory, Russian-Occupied Ukrainian Territory, Ukrainian-Occupied Russian Territory or anywhere inside the Russian Federation.

Giving someone a tool and then holding their one hand behind their back with regards to that tool makes the tool completely useless.

Russia bombs Ukraine from inside Russia.

Russia decides the whole scope of the War from the Kremlin in Moscow.

Therefore every Russian Town and City (including Moscow) are legitimate targets.

Of course, just like inside Ukraine no Hospitals, Schools, etc. should be targeted (although Russia only targets Civilians, Hospitals, Schools, etc. inside Ukraine) but Ukraine is more Civilized and has more Morals than Russia so I don't see that as an issue.

Russia and the Russian People are good at playing the Victims despite when they are the Aggressors (I guess they have finely tuned that act ever since 1917.)

The ONLY Victims in all of this are the Ukrainian Men, Women and Children!

Give Ukraine the Weapons and the right to use them wherever the Attacks are coming from!

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