Tuesday, September 10, 2024

20 Days Until..


The US Federal Government has until September 30th (20 days from now) to pass a Budget with the House, the Senate and Biden all agreeing otherwise the Federal Government will Shutdown.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats agree to avoid a Shutdown at all costs.

Here’s where it gets tricky: 

The Republicans only want to fund the Federal Government until the Election on November 5th (not for the whole year as has always been done which would be until September 30, 2025.)

The Republicans’ Plan is to hurt Biden from November 5, 2024 until January 20, 2025 and then hurt Harris (if she wins) from the very beginning.

It also hurt the American People since no Benefits would be paid to the Elderly, the Disabled, Veterans, etc. over the Holidays, Americans working for the Government would also not get their salaries over the Holidays and Ordinary Americans would be burdened while travelling home for Thanksgiving, Chanukah and Christmas  - which is usually busy and crowded anyways, but would be more so with Furloughed and Short-Staffed TSA, etc.

The Republicans say that if Trump wins then they will easily pass a new Budget once he’s in office on January 20, 2025 (not sure how you can have an Inauguration when the Federal Government is closed.)

The Democrats’ Plan is to fund the Government until September 2025.

That way it helps Biden and Harris (if she wins) and help Ordinary Americans, the Elderly, the Disabled, Government Workers, Veterans etc. through Thanksgiving, Chanukah and Christmas.

They also hope to make this a big blow to Trump (if he wins) since he will have to wait until September 2025 to gut the whole Federal Government (Veterans’ Benefits, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, the US Military, the Department of Education, the State Department, etc.)

I am against ANYONE who places themselves and their Politics over doing what is right for the American People.

Doing Right here means passing a Federal Budget that keeps the Federal Government open through September 30, 2025.

In this instance I support the Democrats' Plan over the Republicans' Plan.

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