Friday, September 6, 2024

Amazon's Service

In case you thought Amazon actually cared about you or your business. Here is my Online Chat with Amazon (from June 2024 and today – September 6, 2024):

Today - September 6, 2024:

Me:   I'm having delivery issues. I had previously asked Amazon (several months ago) to ship items to my house by FedEx or UPS since they deliver right to my house (US Post Office delivers to my mailbox 3 streets away and I have to drive to the Post Office in the next Town to get my packages) and Amazon told me they would start doing that, but everything continues to come by US Post Office and I still have to drive to the next Town to get them.

Amazon (Faye):  Please allow me to read the previous conversation.

Me:  Okay.

Amazon (Faye): Thank you for waiting. Can I have the order number or the name of the item that you´re having problems with so that I can check?

Me:  It is not 1 item I'm having an issue with, but the delivery of all my items to my house. Back in June I wrote Amazon Customer Service Chat and asked that all my items be shipped to me by either FedEx or UPS since my mailbox is 3 streets from my house and the US Post Office only leaves a package slip in the mailbox and I have to drive to the Post Office in the next Town to pick my packages up. 

Amazon (Faye):  Thank you for the information. I am so sorry to hear that.

^ After a long pause. ^

Me: Here is my previous chat with Amazon (Himanshu) from June 2024:

Me: Can I request to have UPS deliver my Amazon Prime orders instead of the US Post Office? My mailbox is 3 streets from my house and if I get a USPS package I get a package slip and then have to go to the Post Office in the next town to pick it up. UPS delivers right to my house.

Amazon (Himanshu):  Please do not worry now, I am all here to help you out with this concern and I will do everything in my ability to help you out with this concern. or else I will provide you the alternative resolution for sure Do you have any upcoming package? Or you just want this service for your nect orders?

Me:  I have upcoming orders (scheduled for June 11th) and would like this for all my future orders.

Amazon (Himanshu): Thank you for the information. Let me raise a ticket and escalate it to my delivery team. Please stay connected.

Me:  Ok

Amazon (Himanshu): Ticket raised successfully. From the next time UPS will deliver all your packages. Sounds good?

Me: Yes. Thank you very much.

Himanshu:  You're most welcome!


^  Back to today (September 6, 2024) ^

Me: So why did Amazon (Himanshu) tell my in June 2024:  “Ticket raised successfully. From the next time UPS will deliver all your packages. Sounds good?”

Amazon (Faye): I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. I cannot speculate for this as to why the previous representative did not tell the truth to you.

Me: I’m only asking for my packages being delivered by Amazon Prime (not 3rd Party Sellers) to use UPS to deliver my packages.

Amazon (Faye): I will escalate this issue to our special team for the false promise so that this will be investigated.

Me: That’s fine.  I would like to file a complaint about this. Please let me know how to proceed with that.

Amazon (Faye): We don´t have the option for our customer to escalate the representative. However, I will report this to our supervisor.

Me:  That's great. So first I was lied to by Amazon and now there's nothing Amazon will do to help me. And will your Supervisor contact me back regarding this issue?

Amazon (Faye): They will not contact you however they will be filing an incident report to the agents and further investigate the issue. If the representative will found guilty, that will be the end of his career.

Me:  That doesn't fix my issue at all. I have no way of knowing that anything will be fixed and that Amazon won't lie to me or any other Customer.

Amazon (Faye): I understand your concern. I am really sorry for the inconvenience. No worries, we will make sure that this will not happen again.

Me:  I will believe it when I see it.

Amazon (Faye): I am sorry for the inconvenience.

^ I ended the Online Chat at this point since there was nothing else Amazon was willing to do to help me even when one Amazon Representative (Faye) admitted that another Amazon Representative (Himanshu) had lied to me. ^

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