Sunday, September 1, 2024

AFD Elections

Elections were held today in the eastern German States of Thuringia and Saxony.

Alternative for Germany (AfD) – A Far-Right Political Party which is often compared to Hitler’s Nazi Party won a historic vote for being the first Fascist Party in Germany to win a major lead in an Election since 1933.

AfD wants to bring back the Völkisch Nationalism used by Hitler’s Nazis to make German Society and Culture “Pure.”

Sounds just like 1933 Germany and has no place in 2024 Germany.

The AfD’s Leader in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, a Former History Teacher from western Germany, uses famous and illegal Nazi Slogans at his rallies: "Everything for our homeland, everything for Saxony-Anhalt, everything for Germany!" at the end of a speech he gave at an Election event for his Party in Merseburg on May 29, 2021.

The Slogan "Everything for Germany" ("Alles für Deutschland") was introduced by the Nazi SA’s and its public use is punishable by law in Germany.

Höcke claimed he did not know the origin of the saying, and argued he was "completely innocent.” Maybe he was just a very poor an unintelligent History Teacher too.

He was charged in September 2023 and convicted in May 2024. He was fined €13,000.

In December 2023 he used the same Slogan at another Rally and  on July 2024, Höcke was fined by a Court in Halle again for using the Nazi Slogan "Everything for Germany.”

AfD is also officially Anti-Muslim and not only wants to forbid new Muslim Immigrants into Germany, but also to remove the Muslims who have been living legally in Germany for Decades.

In January 2024, it was revealed that Senior Members of the AfD, including an Advisor to Party Co-Leader Alice Weidel, attended a meeting alongside neo-Nazi Influencers, where plans for the Deportation of Millions of "Asylum Seekers", "Non-Assimilated People", and those with "Non-German Backgrounds" were discussed, including those with German Citizenship and Residency Rights.

The event triggered the 2024 German Anti-Extremism Protests.

in 2023, Felix Klein, the Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against Antisemitism, stated that leading forces within the AfD relativize the Holocaust and that the Party condones Antisemitism.

Björn Höcke has also made several Speeches about Jews in Germany and about the Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe in Berlin saying that Germans "need to make a 180 degree change in their politics of commemoration.”

It also opposes Same-Sex Marriage in Germany and calls for a return to “Traditional German Family Values” (which is odd considering its Co-Leader, Alice Weidel, is a Lesbian and lives with her Partner, Sarah Bossard, and their 2 Children.)

In August 2023 a Journalist Investigation was published by “The Insider”, describing how money was funnelled from Moscow to AfD Politicians who initiated a constitutional complaint in Germany against the supplies of weapons for Ukraine.

AfD won 32.8% of the vote in Thuringia and CDC won 23.6% of the vote there.

The CDC won 31.9% of the vote in Saxony and AfD won 30.7% of the vote there.

Sadly, eastern Germans continue to openly support Authoritative Political Parties.

I guess living through the Nazi Dictatorship from 1933-1945 and the Soviet/East German Communist Dictatorship from 1945-1990 only brings back fond memories for most People living there and they want a return to the dark days of a Police State which forces its will on the People.

With German Federal Elections only a year away, the AfD is second in National Opinion Polls.

Without the support of other Parties, the AfD cannot govern in Thuringia, and the CDU has made clear it will not consider ruling with the Far-Right.

Mathematically, the Conservatives will need support from Parties on the Left to form a Majority.

It should be noted that 85 years ago today Nazi Germany invaded Poland and started World War 2 which resulted in the Germans murdering an estimated 50 Million Men, Women and Children throughout Germany, Europe and North Africa from 1939-1945 (that doesn’t include the number of Victims the Japanese killed.)

They say those that don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it and sadly, it looks like Germany is starting to repeat their mistakes from 1933-1945.


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