Tuesday, September 3, 2024

4 Weeks: Occupied


It has been 4 weeks since Ukraine invaded and occupied parts of Russia (Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts) and Putin and his Nazi Zs still aren’t able to do a thing about it.

This is the first time since 1945 that any Foreign Power has been able to invade and occupy Russia.

On September 1, 2024 Ukraine launched over a hundred drones against targets in Russia, including the Konakovo Power Station in Konakovo, Tver Oblast and the Moscow Refinery in Moscow showing that Russians anywhere inside Russia are not safe (from either Occupation or Bombing.)

Brave Ukrainian Soldiers, Ukrainian Partisans and Anti-Putin Russians are not only defending their Homes from Russian Mass Murder and Occupation, but are showing the Russian People that Putin continues to lie to their face about how well the War in Ukraine is going.

Over 1,000 Russian Soldiers are wounded or killed every single day in Ukraine and in Ukrainian-Occupied Russia.

That has been going on for over 1 year now.

Russia is losing so many Soldiers that they are sending 18-20 year old Draftees, Convicted Criminals including Rapists and Murders and Men 30-70 years old who haven't had Military Training in 20-50 years to be Putin's Cannon Fodder and to be wounded or die for a lost cause.

Russian State Media (the only Media allowed in Russia) tries to show Putin as a strong Leader who can keep is Country and the Russian People safe yet Ukrainian Soldiers on Russian Soil and Ukrainian Bombs falling on Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other Russian Cities hundreds of miles from Ukraine shows the truth.

No Russian today (inside Russia or outside the Country) can claim they didn’t know what was going on (Russians Raping, Torturing, Massacring and Kidnapping Ukrainian, Men, Women and Children.)

The World didn’t allow the Germans to say that in 1945 and the World won’t allow the Russians to say it now.


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