Friday, May 27, 2022

Remember Ukraine

As you get ready to celebrate Memorial Day weekend and go to the market to get the food for your BBQs and complain about the high cost of food or go gas your car up for a road trip and complain about the high cost of gas take a moment to think about who caused these high food and gas prices: Russia.

Putin and his Nazi Zs are trying to hold the World hostage and to bend us to their will, hoping to break our resolve and unity in the hope of saving a few cents.

While we around the World complain about the high cost of everything remember that innocent Men, Women and Children throughout Ukraine are not only dealing with the high cost of things, but also running from Russian Missiles and Bullets.

Ukrainian Fathers are being forced to watch their Children being raped by Russian Soldiers before the Russians then take the Fathers to be tortured, killed and left in the streets or in basements with all the other dead bodies (their hands died behind them as they are shot in the backs.)

Ukrainian Mothers are being forced to see their Children starve to death or killed by the Russians while their Husbands go off to try and protect their Families and to stop the Nazi Zs.

Ukrainian Dogs, Cats, other Pets and Animals are having homemade bombs placed on them by the Russians so that when their Ukrainian Owners go to help or feed them they will both be destroyed by the blast.

I know 3 months seems like a long time to constantly see and hear about what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainians in Putin’s Genocidal War and it would be easy to simply stop watching and reading about their horrible War Crimes or to stop supporting Ukraine with donations or to even say that Ukraine should just give up and let the Russians continue to butcher and rape them, but to do that would be to aid only the Russians in their Crimes and Genocide.

So please continue to complain about the high food and gas prices, but also continue to complain about the Rape, Torture and Murder Putin and his Russian Nazi Zs are doing in Ukraine.

The only way for all of this to end for all of us is to make Putin and his Nazi Zs end their Genocidal War in Ukraine and allow peace to return to a free and independent Ukraine.

Ukraine is the bread basket of both Europe and the World so supporting Ukrainian Victory will end all the high prices as well as all the Russian Crimes and bring Putin and his Zs to International Justice.

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