Friday, December 31, 2021


From the Kabul Small Animal Rescue’s Facebook:

Four months and a few hours ago, I walked out of the Kabul airport carrying a scrawny little bent wristed runt of a dog with useless legs and big soft eyes. I didn't know what would happen to us, what would happen to our dogs that had been 'released'--an innocuous word to apply to the cruelty of that decision--or the organization that we'd struggled so hard to become. We walked out into a different country, the same air but unfamiliar.

These have been the longest days I've experienced, and I still don't have all the answers. Bea and I managed to get home, but we are still missing over a dozen dogs, beloved pets that were entrusted to us as well as our own rescues raised by hand. We have struggled to rebuild our rescue, but it will be months before we can get out of a constant crisis mode, putting out fire after fire. But Bea has pulled through beyond our wildest dreams and is now a strong young dog with a wiggle to her run and muscle in her legs. Taking her back to the airport seems unimaginable, but I know that this time she will make it out, and I'll never be so happy to see someone I love go away. We will finally get our animals to safety, to warm homes of their own. We need your help to get them there, your family, your friends, your high school crush.

Please stick with us through the new year, and remind everyone that we are a registered 501c3 and donations are tax deductible.

We are close. The mountain of logistics and preparations and paperwork, so many pounds of paperwork, every nut and bolt and 'live animal' sticker, we are close, but we are counting on your help to get us there. As Frost put it, "But I have promises to keep / and miles to go before I sleep."

^ Please use the links to donate and share. ^

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