Monday, November 16, 2020

Holidays Alone

For all those people whining and complaining about not being able to celebrate Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas or New Year's with family or friends this year I say: Pull your big boy/big girl pants up and just deal with it.

Except for 1 Thanksgiving I have celebrated every holiday with either my dogs or my dog and no one else since 2014! You don't hear me complaining or being a Scrooge.

I celebrate by making all the holiday treats and fully decorate the house for our enjoyment even though it is just me and my dog.

I know there are people more worse-off then I am. There are the disabled, the sick and the dying. There are the homeless and the hungry. There are also the Soldiers who have to not only be away from their family and friends over the holidays, but are also in dangerous warzones where they can get wounded or killed.

So stop only thinking about yourself and how "bad" you have it one year out of all the many years.

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