Tuesday, September 3, 2019

1st Day

First Day Of School Around The World:

Brazil:  Brazilian students return to school in February.
Costa Rica: The first day of school is in early February. The Education Ministry changes the date every year to ensure 200 effective days are in the school calendar.
United States: In the United States, educational policy is determined primarily at the state level and at the level of individual school districts. Therefore, there is no one particular day on which all schools start. During much of the 20th century, it was common for schools to start shortly after Labor Day, and in some areas of the United States, this is still the norm. However, it has become increasingly common for schools to start earlier in August or even late July. For example, in San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, California, the first day of school for the 2017-18 school year was set to August 28.
India: In India the schools re-open in June after summer holidays. This applies to whole of K-12 including elementary, secondary and higher secondary schools. Schools are closed for summer holidays after annual examinations in the month of March. Thus the students receive two months of holidays from the end of March to the beginning of June. 
Israel: The first day of elementary, secondary and high schools in Israel is September 1, or September 2 if September 1 falls on Shabbath (Saturday). The last day of school is June 20 for secondary and high schools, and June 30 for elementary schools. 
Philippines: The government school calendar in the Philippines usually begins in June every year. However, private schools have the exception to deviate from the calendar as regulated by Republic Act No. 7797. Some colleges or universities may start the school year in August. The school year must consist of 200 but not more than 220 days.
Qatar: The first day of school in Qatar is on September 15, along with some of the Arab World countries.
Singapore: The school year for all Singapore primary and secondary schools starts from early January and end sometime in November. This takes into account 40 weeks of curriculum time for teaching and learning before the start of the national examinations, and six weeks of school vacation at end of the year for teachers and students.
Japan: The first day of school in Japan (for all schools) is on either April 7th or 8th. School usually ends on the 24th of March, giving the students one week between the years. School starts in April because that is the time Sakura, or Cherry Blossoms, bloom, making for a perfect start-of-the-year and end-of-the-year photo. 
Greece: The first day of school in Greece is September 11, or the first Monday following if September 11 is a Saturday or Sunday.
Poland: According to a 2010 decree of Polish Minister of Public Education, the first day of school for regular compulsory education schools in Poland is on September 1 or the first following Monday if September 1 falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. The last day is the last Friday after the 18th of June.  Previously, according to a similar 2002 decree, the above exception was only for Saturday and Sunday, and the last day was the first Friday after June 18.
Russia: Schools in Russia (and formerly Soviet Union) historically begin on September 1. This exact date for the country has been fixed by the Decree of the Council of the People's Commissars in 1935  and was established officially by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union No. 3018-X in 1980. In 1984, September 1 was officially declared to be the Knowledge Day. If it falls on Sunday, most schools opt to hold on Sunday a traditional ceremonial line-up, which symbolically commences the school year, and begin actual lessons on Monday. Traditionally students bring flowers to the teachers. 
United Kingdom:
England and Wales: The first day of school for state schools in England and Wales varies by local authority and sometimes by school, but it is nearly always during the first week of September, or occasionally in the second week.
Scotland: The school term in Scotland begins in mid- to late-August, more than a week earlier than in the rest of the UK. The precise date varies by local authority and sometimes by school.
Slovenia: The first day of school in Slovenia is on September 1, or the first Monday following if September 1 falls on Saturday or Sunday 
Lithuania: The first day of school in Lithuania is September 1, or the first Monday following if September 1 falls on Saturday or Sunday. 
France: The school year in France doesn't have a fixed date, but it starts at the beginning of September, in the first 2 weeks. It ends at the beginning of July, leaving approximately 2 months of summer break. 
Tunisia: In Tunisia, the academic year commences in September 15th (or the 16th if September 15th falls on Sunday or religious holiday) and ends in May 25th for middle and high schools ,and in June 1st for primary school. Summer is approximately 3 months long. 
Morocco: In Morocco, the academic year commences in September and ends in June/beginning July Semester 1: From September – January Semester 2 (Spring): From February - June/ beginning July.
Spain: The school starts at the beginning of September. 

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