Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ukraine And US

To help people understand the Russian War in Ukraine better:

In 2014, Russia invaded, occupied and annexed Crimea, Ukraine claiming they were protecting the Russian Speakers there. They also supplied Russian Weapons and Troops to eastern Ukraine for the same reason for the past 8 years.

 In 2022, Russia attacked all of Ukraine claiming Ukraine is not a legitimate country and that the Ukrainians were not a real people.

Also, the Ukrainian Language is not the same as the Russian Language simply because they use the same Cyrillic Alphabet so knowing Ukrainian doesn’t mean you also speak Russian.


Americans: Imagine Mexico invading, occupying and annexing Texas claiming they were protecting the Spanish Speakers there. Then supplying Mexican Weapons and Troops to the southwestern United States for the same reason for the past 8 years.

Then imagine Mexico attacks all of the United States claiming the US is not a legitimate country and that the Americans were not a real people.

Also, the English language is not the same as the Spanish Language simply because they use the same Latin Alphabet so knowing English doesn’t mean you also speak Spanish.


Same scenario, but different locations.

Russia has said it wants to “liberate” all the Russian-Speaking people around the world and take back all former Russian lands. Why should you care?

 There are around 30 million ethnic Russians currently living outside of Russia and another 30 million Native Russian Speakers outside of Russia for a total of 60 million Russians.

There are 3,100,000 ethnic Russians and another 854,955 Native Russian Speakers living inside the United States and Alaska was once part of the Czarist Russian Empire until 1867.

It may seem far-fetched, but so did a Russian War in Ukraine not too long ago. That is why the United States needs to stand with Ukraine against Russia.

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