Wednesday, January 27, 2021

400 Suspects

From Yahoo:

“FBI identifies more than 400 suspects in Capitol riot”

The FBI's investigation of the deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol this month has identified more than 400 suspects, according to the figures disclosed Tuesday by the Justice Department. Steven D'Antuono, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington field office, said more than 150 criminal cases have been filed so far. Charges include unauthorized access, theft, damage to government property and assault on law enforcement officers.

The top prosecutor on the case, acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin, said the goal is to identify as many people as possible who entered the Capitol during the siege. "Regardless of the level of criminal conduct, we're not selectively targeting or just trying to charge the most significant crime," Sherwin said. "If a crime was committed we are charging you, whether you were outside or inside the Capitol." He said prosecutors were not concerned that opening a large number of cases could overwhelm the FBI or federal judges. "There's no manpower issue here. We have no issues with the court." A key question is whether the siege was planned well before the rally that preceded it on Jan. 6. Sherwin said investigators are looking at whether individuals or groups were involved in a possible coordinated effort, as the pace of new charges begins to slow. "We are going to reach a plateau in the very near future and it will involve looking at the more complicated conspiracy cases," he said, with investigators looking at "possible coordination among militia groups from different states that had a plan to travel here before the sixth to engage in criminal conduct."

D'Antuono said the FBI has received more than 200,000 tips that included digital photos and videos, which he called "nothing short of remarkable." Investigators have also obtained more than 500 subpoenas and search warrants to aid in identifying suspects. The FBI is offering a $75,000 reward to help identify whoever planted two pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Republican and Democratic National Committees near the Capitol.

^ Everyone should know (whether they are Republican or Democrat, ultra conservative, ultra-liberal or moderate) that while you have a right to peacefully protest your viewpoints the minute your words or actions call for violence you go from Free Speech/Free to Assemble to Inciting Violence/Carrying-Out Violence. Not only can you be charged with Federal and State crimes over these kinds of actions, but any employer (whether you work for the US Military, a Contractor for the Federal Government, a Fast Food place, etc.) can fire you for supporting or carrying-out acts of violence.  Many employers are already firing people who physically took part in this Coup attempt as well as those that support them. You can't get Unemployment if you're fired and it will be hard to get another job if anyone calls your last place of work to find out why you were fired.  You don't have to have physically committed the acts of death or destruction yourself. It is enough if you support those who did. That includes on blogs, IMs, posts, on TV, on the radio, etc. The fact that people post their cries for violence so openly including them actually committing the crimes shows just how dumb they really are.  One good thing is seeing Sons turn in their Fathers, Husbands turning in their Wives, etc. It shows that while there are some crazy and violent people out there there is also many good people that don't support them.  So if you don't want to be the idiot who has to wear the T-Shirt with the following: "I supported someone who took part in the deadly Coup Attempt and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt, a pink slip from my job, Federal and State Investigations into my life and branded a supporter of Domestic Terrorism" the best thing to do is NOT support anyone who wants to use violence to achieve their goals. The More You Know..... ^

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