Thursday, December 17, 2020

Covid Credits

 “In a few years Hollywood will make a movie about what happened during the Covid-19 Pandemic and there will be different kinds of people portrayed in the film.

- Will you be the person that only believes Covid-19 is a conspiracy theory created to cause fear even after you get infected with Covid yourself and have to go to the hospital?

- Will you be the ICU Nurse who holds the hand of a dying Covid patient so they won’t be all alone in their final moments?

- Will you be the person who drinks bleach and does other dumb things because a non-medical person told you they heard it from someone who heard it from someone that it was a cure for Covid?

- Will you be the person who follows all the guidelines and restrictions to protect your friends, your family, strangers and yourself and despite the hardships all that entails you  - and everyone you know  - comes through the Pandemic stronger and alive?

-  Will you be the selfish person who sees the reality (death and sorrow) around them and still decides to hang out in large gatherings only to see all their friends and family later die of Covid and the single reason for their deaths is you since you infected them all?”

^ In this film I want the following credit at the end of the movie: Guy with dog living on an isolated mountain who stuck to what they were always taught to do and survived the Pandemic helping those where he could.  I'm working on that now. There’s still time to write your film credit. ^

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