Sunday, February 2, 2020

Best & Worst For Animals

From the New York Post”
“Mississippi worst state for animal protection laws; Illinois the best”

If you’re an animal, get your tail out of Mississippi fast. The southern state was named the worst to be an animal, according to a new report. The annual U.S. State Animal Protection Laws Rankings Report, published by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, slams Mississippi for its weak animal protection laws. The state currently has (among other issues): no felony neglect or abandonment provisions; inadequate definitions/standards of basic care for most species; no mandatory reporting for veterinarians or other select non-animal-related agencies/professionals who suspect animal abuse; no mandatory forfeiture of animals upon conviction and permissive forfeiture only available for select animals and sexual assault statute (is) poorly defined.” The four other states rounding out the bottom five from 46 to 49, respectively, are Wyoming, Kentucky, New Mexico and Iowa. There is some good news for the low-ranked Kentucky — which was cited by the report for breaking its losing streak. “In 2019, Kentucky became the 46th state to enact legislation prohibiting sexual assault of animals (the remaining four states without bestiality laws are Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming),” the report noted, “For the first time in 13 years, it is not the worst state due to its new law criminalizing the sexual abuse of animals. The top state for furry friends was Illinois, with Oregon, Colorado, Maine and Rhode Island rounding out the top five.

^ It’s sad that any State (or any country) does not have good animal protection laws. ^

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