Sunday, January 12, 2020

Markle Ono

Meghan Markle has now become the Yoko Ono to the British Royal Family. They say the couple and their son will stop being senior British royals and move to Canada.

Canada is a Commonwealth Realm (one of 16 Realms in the 53 member Commonwealth of Nations) which means Canada has a separate Monarchy from all the other Realms. Queen Elizabeth II is officially known as the Queen of Canada (although her name should legally be Elizabeth I, Queen of Canada, since there has only been one Queen - and no Kings of Canada) since the separate Monarchy was established in 1953 (1 year after she became Queen of the UK.)  Her Father, King George VI, could have chosen to become the first Canadian Monarch after Canadian Citizenship was created in 1947, but he chose not to and so remained the British King over Canada making him the last official British Monarch over Canada.

 The Canadian Royal Family (unlike the British Royal Family) only includes a handful of the top senior royals and if the couple decide to stop being senior royals in the UK that will mean Harry and his son will be considered regular British citizens (as well as Commonwealth citizens) and Meghan will be considered an American citizen when they are in Canada and won’t have the funding, citizenship or immigration privileges that they currently do (Meghan will have to pay American taxes - which the British and Canadian Royal Family doesn’t want since then their expenses and income will be public knowledge -  until she renounces her American citizenship and becomes either a Canadian or British.) 

One thing is certain: another American divorcée has helped bring not only scandal to the British Royal Family, but also moved a senior Royal to near commoner status. The last time this happened (in 1936)  a King gave up his throne, was ostracized by his family and country for the rest of his life and died near-penniless in exile.

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