Monday, October 9, 2023

What's Gaza?

Since many people do not know much about Gaza, its people or Hamas:

The Gaza Strip (or Gaza) shares a 6.8 mile border with Egypt and a 32 mile border with Israel. It is 25 miles long and 7.5 miles wide with a population of 2,047,969 people.

Some Brief History: Before 1917 Gaza (like the rest of Palestine - modern-day Israel, the West Bank and Gaza) was part of the Ottoman Empire.

From 1917-1948 it was part of the British Mandatory of Palestine.

From 1948-1967 it was directly governed by Egypt (which was officially at war with Israel from 1948-1979.)

From 1967-1994 Israel directly governed Gaza.

 In 1994 the Palestinian Authority (covering both Gaza and the West Bank) was given limited self-governance.

In 2005, Israel left the Gaza Strip giving full control of it to the Palestinian Authority.

In 2006, the Internationally-Recognized Terrorist Group Hamas came to power after being voted into office by the Palestinians in Gaza - with the campaign promise of destroying Israel and murdering all Jews.  During the 2007 Battle of Gaza between the Palestinians in Gaza Hamas expelled the Fatah Political Party (which now only governs in The West Bank as the Palestinian Authority.) From 2007-2014 there was no direct contact between the Palestinians in Gaza and the Palestinians in the West Bank.  From July 2014-June 2015 the Palestinians in Gaza and the Palestinians in The West Bank formed a Unity Government and worked together. The Unity Government collapsed because Hamas started the 2014 Gaza War against Israel.

Since 2015 Hamas-Controlled Gaza and Fatah-Governed West Bank have not had any direct contact with each other. The West Bank seeks to gain Israeli and International Support for an Independent 2 State Agreement (ie. Israel being one country and Palestine being the second country) through non-violent means while Hamas in Gaza officially continues to call for the complete destruction of Israel through any means and the massacre of a Jews.

Conditions in Gaza Since 2007:

Egyptian Border: There is only 1 Border Checkpoint between Egypt and Gaza (The Rafah Border Crossing) which Egypt tightly controls to stop the Hamas Terrorists from entering Egypt and carrying-out attacks. In 2009, they built the Egypt-Gaza Barrier and regularly destroy Hamas-made tunnels.

Israeli Border: All Border Checkpoints between Israel and Gaza have been closed since 2007 (with the exception of humanitarian goods and treatment of Gazans in Israeli Hospitals.) The Israelis also built the Gaza-Israel Barrier along with an anti-tunnel underground barrier.


Overall Governance: Hamas created the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Gaza to impose a strict-Islamist-Style Government.

Governance Regarding Women: Since 2007 there is a strict segregation between men and women (even between married men and married women.)  Hamas forces women to wear the Hijab. Women are forbidden from: riding on the backs of motor scooters, dancing, smoking, running in marathons, being official Hamas Spokeswomen. Hamas destroyed the popular Crazy Water Park because it allowed both men and women (ie. families) in 2010. Hamas also enforces polygamy to increase the population of Gaza (especially between the members of Hamas) and even uses girl-brides as young as 8 with adult men for that purpose.

Governance Regarding Men: Since 2007 Hamas “Security Patrols” go throughout Gaza and can stop any man to see what they have contributed to helping Hamas. Any man with long hair has it cut in public. Hair gel is banned as is swimming topless. Homosexuality is also illegal and any Gay person is beheaded in public. If a family-member doesn’t report a Gay person to Hamas then that whole family suffers.

Governance of Christians: In 2007 there were officially 3,000 Christians living in Gaza. By 2011 there were only officially 1,400. Hamas forces Christians to covert to Islam or they simply disappear.

Conclusion: It is not just the Western World (Canada, the US, the 27 countries of the European Union, Israel, Japan, etc.) but also the Arab/Muslim World (Egypt, the Palestinians in Jerusalem, the Palestinians in The West Bank, etc.) that view Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza as a Terrorist Threat.

With a tightly-controlled Border (by the Egyptians and the Israelis) you have to wonder how Hamas has been able to fire over 5,000 missiles from Gaza into Israel over the past 2 days as well as how 1,000 Hamas Terrorists have been able to go throughout Israel murdering and kidnapping Men, Women and Children.

Where do they get the money to buy the missiles and gums from? Where do they get the missiles and guns from?

People around the world that support the Palestinians in Gaza are only supporting the Hamas Terrorists since they are intertwined after 15 years. Don’t be a Terrorist Supporter. Don’t be an Anti-Semite.

This is not simply a War between Hamas and the Israelis.

It became a War between Hamas and the World after Hamas killed and kidnapped Non-Israelis (Brits, Mexicans, Nepalis, French, Cambodians, Thai, Canadians, Germans, Ukrainians, Americans, etc.)

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