Sunday, October 22, 2023

Pre-1967 Not Better

Some people are trying to say that things were better in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza before the 1967 Six Day War.

(The Forced Departure of Jews from the Arab/Muslim World since 1948.)

From 1948-1967 Gaza was ruled by Egypt.

From 1948-1967 East Jerusalem and the West Bank was ruled by Jordan.

The Egyptians, the Jordanians and the Palestinians forbade Jews to visit their Holy Sites in those places.

From 1967-2005 Israel ruled all of Gaza and the West Bank.

The Israelis allowed Jews, Christians and Muslims to enter these places – especially to visit their Holy Sites.

From 2005-Present Day: Hamas has ruled Gaza.

Hamas refuses Jews and Christians to visit their Holy Sites or to express their Religion openly.

From 2005-Present Day: The Palestinian Authority refuses Jews (and Christian Israelis) to visit their Holy Sites.

From 1967-Present Day: Israel has ruled all of Jerusalem.

The Israelis allow Muslims, Jews and Christians to visit their Holy Sites.

Things are definitely better when Israel controls things since they are a Democracy and not a Terrorist Group like Hamas and not anti-Jewish like the Palestinians )or the Jordanians or the Egyptians) are.

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