Saturday, January 18, 2025

Cold Homeless


With the US Supreme Court saying it is legal for places to ban the Homeless across the Country and many Towns, Cities and States banning them take a moment to stop and think about who the Homeless actually are.

It is estimated that there are at least 771,800 Homeless in the US (the number is much higher.)

They are Men, Women and Children.

They are Working People who work Full-Time during the day and sleep outside or in their Car at night since they can’t afford a hotel, rent or a mortgage.

28% of the Homeless are whole Families with Parents and their Children.

12% of Homeless People have a dog or a cat.

At least 40,000 Veterans are Homeless.

59% of all 360 Million Americans are just 1 or 2 paychecks away from being Homeless.

I regularly donate money, food and warm weather supplies to Local, National and International Charities that help the Homeless (People and Animals.)

It is not something I just started.

When I was 13 years old and living in Germany I did a Homeless Project for my Boy Scout Troop where I raised 2,315 Deutsche Marks ($1,216 US Dollars) to help the Homeless.

When I was 16 years old and living in New York I spent 2 nights sleeping outside with just the clothes on my back in the snow and cold (it was 24 F or -4 C) to show how bad it is for anyone to have to spend even 1 night outside.

I was even on the Local News and people donated to various Homeless Shelters in my area afterwards (that raised $6,228.)

Being Homeless is not and should never be a crime, but it should be a crime to let people be Homeless.

With the Polar Vortex arriving and affecting 300 Million Americans with extreme Cold and Snow over the next several days please stop and think about the Men, Women, Children and Animals that will have to survive somehow outside.

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