Thursday, July 18, 2019

Heat Wave Hitting

From USA Today:
“A heat wave will scorch the central and eastern US this week. Here's how you can stay cool and survive”

A heat wave predicted to scorch much of the central and eastern U.S. this week has left many already-sweaty Americans groaning. The unusually high temperatures could lead to power outages, whiny kids, unhappy pets ... and bring about serious safety concerns. The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for large swathes of the country where temperatures will reach triple digits. When combined with local humidity percentages, the weather this week might feel unbearable. How can you stay comfortable? Survive? That's why USA TODAY spoke with heat-related illness experts ahead of the upcoming heat wave. Riana Pryor, a professor in the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at the University at Buffalo, studies athletic performance in extreme temperatures. She emphasized the importance of being proactive about your health – especially with extreme heat on the way.

Here are some ways you can take care of yourself and your loved ones:

Stay hydrated
Normally when you are hot, Pryor said, your body tries to keep you cool by sweating. That process is less efficient in extreme temperatures, however, even though your body keeps doing it. “A lot of people don’t realize that if you’re feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated,” Pryor said. When you are thirsty, she said, you are probably 1% dehydrated. As your body becomes further dehydrated, your brain function begins to become impaired, she said. Children and seniors are less sensitive to thirst, she said, so they can become dehydrated without even realizing it. Pryor recommends that children check their hydration levels when they use the bathroom – the color of urine is a good indicator for hydration. If your urine is the color of lemonade or lighter, she said, you’re good. But if your urine is the color of apple juice or darker, you could be in trouble. To remedy this, and stay hydrated, you can drink any water-based liquids including sports drinks or juices. Caffeine is OK in moderation, Pryor said, but alcohol will lead to further dehydration. You can also improve your hydration with a mindful diet rich with water-based foods like melons, berries and leafy greens.

Stay out of the sun

Avoid spending extended periods of time outside, if at all possible. It is best to be in air-conditioned environments, whether that be your home, or a local library, movie theater or shopping mall. If you have to be outside, Pryor said, find shade or another area that gets more wind to cool you down.  It is best to wear loose, airy clothing in light colors, Pryor said. Wind can help cool your body, so clothing that exposes skin is better than long sleeve shirts, or other tight, restrictive clothing.  One of the best cooling techniques if you are outside, Pryor said, is to get your clothing wet with cold water. This will decrease your skin temperature and body temperature.

Check on vulnerable groups
Giselle Routhier, policy director at Coalition for the Homeless, said that homeless people are at an increased risk during extreme weather. In New York City and in many other areas of the country, the government opens up cooling centers in public spaces when temperatures are predicted to be dangerously high. There are others at increased risk, too – including occupational workers whose jobs require them to be outside for extended periods, said William Adams, director of the Hydration, Environment and Thermal (H.E.A.T.) Stress Lab at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Older adults will also be at increased risk, Adams said. As humans age, we lose the ability to regulate body temperature and could become ill because of heat without even realizing it.  If you have older family members, friends or neighbors without air conditioning, it is important to check on them a few times a day, Adams said. "They might not realize that they are feeling sick or ill because of the heat," Pryor said. "They might not call someone or think to pick up the phone to let someone know."

Know the symptoms
Heat-related illnesses can present themselves in a variety of ways, Pryor said.  If someone around you starts to "seem off," Pryor said, it is cause for concern.  Other symptoms include nausea, muscle cramps, loss of coordination or general sick feelings, Pryor said.Heat-related illnesses need to be treated immediately, she said, and a cold water bath is widely regarded as the most effective way to lower body temperature. "If you’re starting to feel sick, you might as well cool yourself off and then get checked out," Pryor said.

Keep an eye on pets

Pets can become sick from the heat, too, according to VHA Animal Hospitals. "Instead of sweating, dogs eliminate heat by panting," according to the Pet MD website. "When panting isn’t enough, a dog’s body temperature rises." This can happen if you leave your dog in the car, but it can also happen in other cases when dogs are exposed to extreme heat. If your dog is panting excessively, seemingly uncomfortable or unable to move around, he or she may be overheating. According to VHA Animal Hospitals, pet overheating, or hyperthermia is an immediate medical emergency.

^ It’s important for people to know what to do and what not to do when it is so hot and humid outside. It’s also important for people to check on: the elderly, children, pets and the disabled to make sure they are doing well. ^

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