Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Land Of The Free

I am often asked (especially by foreigners) why the United States is called the land of the free and while I could use what I majored in in college (International Relations, History and Politics) and go on about how from the very beginning people from every corner of the world have always dreamed about coming to the US because it has always been the land of opportunity I won't.
The US is the land of the free because, unlike most of the world, we give you:
- free drink refills in restaurants/fast food places
- free public bathrooms
- free condiments in restaurants/fast food places
- free television, radio and Internet (there is no government license fee)
- free from a compulsory national identification card and the need to carry it at all times
- free from the Draft/Conscription
- free to be a hypocrite (like those people who decry bullying and then become the bullies themselves or those against violence who are the most militant)
- free to re-post every meme or post you get even without having a clue what it means or if it is correct
- free to post what you ate the minute you ate it
-free to be either ultra-liberal or ultra-conservative even when being too much of one thing is never good
- free to change words to suit your views (like calling someone an "undocumented immigrant" instead of the correct term of "illegal immigrant")
- free to get your 15 minutes of fame
- free to stretch your 15 minutes of fame into a bad reality show
-free to be sarcastic
- free to be the world's scapegoat (because let's face it the world has always blamed us for any and all problems yet at the same time the world wants everything we have - from our culture to our language)
- free to be a Super Power for the past 73 years
- free to be the world's ONLY Super Power for the past 27 years
^ The fact is that the United States has been and continues to be the land of the free because of the brave and despite any issues or problems we had/have that has not changed in 242 years. ^

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