Friday, May 3, 2024

Outsider Protest

It was just announced that of the 232 Pro-Palestinian Protesters that violently took over a Campus Building at Columbia University and were later arrested by the NYPD more than half of them (around 134) were not affiliated with Columbia University or any University in New York City.

That means that the Protests were NOT organic to Columbia University.

They were planned and participated in by Outsiders who decided to abuse the University and a person’s right to assembly peacefully to promote their Anti-Jewish Hatred.

How do you know if you are an Anti-Semite (Anti-Jewish?)

1.       You call for the destruction of Israel.

2.       You call for the destruction of every Israeli.

3.       You call for the death of every Zionist.

4.       You call for the death of every Jew.

5.       You violently try to force your Anti-Jewish attitudes on others.

If you do any of those things above you are an Anti-Semite and are calling for Hate Crimes against the Jews.

I support when people protest something peacefully, but when they become violent, call for violence, occupy buildings, etc. I support in their removal by the Police and their Prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

I am not Jewish.

I am a Catholic that believes in everyone’s rights to live and exist  - especially the Jews.

I am against anyone who threatens that – like these violent Protesters.

You can disagree with a Country (like Israel) and their actions, but you can't disagree with a Group (like the Jews) right to live.

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