Wednesday, January 26, 2022

KSAR: Getting Ready

From Kabul Small Animal Rescue’s Facebook:

In a few days, hundreds of animals will begin their journey to a new life. We will miss them, but are excited to see them get the homes they deserve.

The KSAR staff in Kabul are sorting out the carefully orchestrated move to the airport, making contingency plans for contingency plans, checking and rechecking over a hundred pounds of paperwork, preparing supplies for the trip, and mitigating every potential setback we can identify. We are lucky to be working closely (and constantly!) with the resourceful and patient staff at National Air Cargo, who are helping us with every detail of the load plan and coordinating with regulatory bodies in all the countries we touch on this trip. As of this week, we have our landing permits for Kabul and Vancouver in hand and the tail number of our plane. It has taken 5 months to get to this point, and as brutally exhausting as you might imagine. It will be a huge relief to pass the torch of this mission to our partners in Canada, and we trust that the fantastic organizations and dedicated volunteers on the other side of the ocean will shower these furry souls with love. Our work here doesn't stop, not for a moment, but the pace might be a little less frantic!

^ This is so great to hear. ^

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