Thursday, August 23, 2012

Estonian Gas

From RT:
"Estonian gas co. advertises with Auschwitz gate"

An Estonian company has landed itself in a scandal after its website posted an image of the infamous “Arbeit macht frei” (work sets you free) gate to the Auschwitz concentration camp in an attempt to advertise the firm’s gas and heating services. The image of the Auschwitz gate on Gasterm’s website was supplied with a signature that can be roughly translated as “Gas heating – flexible, convenient and effective.” The slogan, which looks regular for this section, sent an odd message when placed right under the notorious sign adorning the Auschwitz gate. The advertisement was added to the website the previous week, according to the Estonian daily DzD.  By Thursday, the day on which Europe commemorates victims of Stalinism and Nazism, the image was replaced by one of a gas burner. The slogan was expanded to say: “If the image placed here earlier has caused any inconvenience, please accept our sincere apologies.” Linros says he condemns the crimes against humanity committed in the concentration camp. But he also insists the Gasterm website is designed for gas heating experts, who did not seem to find the image at all controversial. Over 1.3 million people died in the Nazi camp, situated in Poland, during World War II. Auschwitz is still remembered for its gas chambers used for mass executions.

^ Anyone who makes a "joke" about the death camps and gas chambers to sell something is a complete idiot. Not only is it in bad taste, but belittles all the millions upon millions of innocent men, women and children who were murdered in them. Many Estonians (Jews and non Jews) were imprisioned and/or murdered in the death camps and so this "joke" has even more meaning for a gas company in Estonia. I don't think I would use any services from this or any company that does something like this. ^

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