Sunday, March 16, 2014

Obama Polls

From USA Today:
"Poll: Obama has so-so leadership numbers"

As President Obama seeks to confront Russia over military action in Ukraine, he has less-than-stellar ratings from Americans on foreign policy issues. According to a new CNN/ORC International poll released Sunday, 57% believe leaders of other countries no longer respect Obama. Half of respondents see Obama as a strong and decisive leader, while the other half say that description does not apply, CNN reports. There is also roughly an even split on whether Obama inspires confidence.
"Neither of those are great numbers for President Obama, but they represent a slight improvement over his standing in November, suggesting that the situation in Ukraine has not hurt his standing with the public," said CNN polling Director Keating Holland. CNN also noted that a prospective 2016 presidential candidate — Hillary Rodham Clinton — polls a 64% rating as "strong and decisive" leader, 14 points higher than Obama.

^ Obama doesn't seem capable of handling any issue (foreign or domestic.) It's nice to see that the majority of Americans are starting to wake up from their dream and see reality. ^

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