Monday, March 31, 2014

Crimea Conscription

From the MT:
"Crimeans Avoid Military Conscription Until 2015"

Crimeans will not be conscripted into the Russian army until 2015, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. Shoigu said that conscription cannot take place while the military conscription system on the Black Sea peninsula remains different to that of Russia, Interfax reported Monday. Crimeans could have been spared military service altogether had the region not been reunited with Russia earlier this month due to the fact that former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych scrapped mandatory conscription to Ukraine's military last year. Shoigu also said that the Russian army will conscript 154,000 people from April to July this year, a figure that was confirmed by the Kremlin press service. Conscription applies only to men aged 18 to 27. Last year, 800 fewer conscripts were recruited. Russian authorities have said they will gradually phase out conscription and switch to a professional army.
^ Since Russia has mandatory conscription and Russia now occupies part of the Ukraine (It should be noted that starting May 9, 2014 anyone who "publicly calls for action aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation"  - -ie calls for the Crimea to leave Russia - are punishable by a fine of up to 300 thousand. rubles - - $8,500 - -  or 3 years in jail. Those who make the claim via the media or on the Internet can get up to 5 years in jail) and is imposing it's rules and laws on the region it is no surprise that they would include conscription here too. Unlike, many countries that still have conscription (despite the current belief that it is no longer needed in places other than South Korea and Israel) not many Russian men actually serve in the military. I have said it before: I know of only 1 Russian man that has ever served in the military (and that was the Soviet/Russian military. He was conscripted into the Soviet military and while there the USSR collapsed and so when he left it was the Russian military.) Of course, I know more than 1 Russian so that can show you just how many pay bribes and/or get medical deferments.) I don't see Russia moving to an all-volunteer military anytime soon. The US was able to do it even while fighting the Cold War and the Vietnam War and we continue to be the world's sole Super Power. ^

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