Saturday, March 29, 2014

Noah (2014)

I just watched this movie today at the theater. It was ok. Of course I knew the Biblical story and so had a knowledge of what was going to happen in the film before I saw it, but the movie just didn't sit right with me. It had famous actors and actresses (Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Nick Nolte and Logan Lerman, but even that couldn't bring the movie together. The movie, even in the "epic" flood scene, seemed to drag on forever. I also don't remember learning about any rock creatures (like the kind they have in "The Neverending Story") being in the Bible. It is one of those movies that had a few good parts, but as a whole didn't match-up to all the hype. It would be better to watch it on Netflix or the TV than at the theater.

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