Wednesday, March 12, 2025

337 Drones

Ukraine launched 337 Drones on Russia – the largest attack.

(A  damaged apartment building in Ramenskoe District, Moscow, Russia in March 2025.)

Whereas Ukraine is regularly hit by Russia using 100-200 cheap Shaded Drones (from Iran) and have no navigation system so they land and explode anywhere – including inside Russia – Ukrainian Drones are higher grade and use the latest technology to get around Russian radar, avoid its surface-to-air missiles, and fly on to targets accurately by navigating themselves.

This includes Ukraine’s homegrown Palianytsia “missile-drone” which carries a 50kg warhead and can fly 600 miles at about 800mph.

Russia bombing Kyiv, Ukraine is like Nazi Germany bombing London, England during World war 2.

Ukraine bombing Moscow, Russia is like the British bombing Berlin, Germany during World War 2.

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